Good coverage


Bearing in mind last month’s Editorial about the effective TV coverage of current F1 racing provided by the BBC, the BBC-2 programme continued this with a long programme on Bank Holiday Monday about MOTOR-100, which included old shots of racing at Silverstone and Brooklands (one slip, but they were few, was saying the Track opened in 1908 whereas the first race meeting there as in 1907) and Murray Walker interviewing Stirling Moss as he sat in a Maserati 250F. Amusingly, Murray himself got confused when confronted with an aged Bradbury motorcycle, telling us that it had oxy-acteylene lighting! But what effectivive well-informed coverage this was on a pouring wet afternoon, ending with Noel Edmonds driving away in a Testarossa Ferrari. What is more, further coverage came later in the week, on what are known as Classic cars at MOTOR-100, despite the fact that at debate at the National Motor Museum a Beaulieu last winter, the VSCC led by Tod Threlfall who was deputising for Denis Jenkinson who was ill, defeated the opposing team by 59 votes to 57, supporting the contention that there is no such thing as a classic car! — W.B.