
THIS now-traditional racing will take place at Silverstone Club circuit on July 10th, starting at approx. 1.15 p.m. Eight or nine events will been the race-card, with Historic racing-cars competing over 15 laps, Vintage racing-cars over 10 laps and two contests being for sports-cars, one of them for road-equipped versions. The supporting events include a race for Edwardians and vintage light-cars and another for Austin 7s, if sufficient are entered to form a field. During the afternoon a long cavalcade of Austin 7s will circulate, a reminder that Sir Herbert had his baby fifty years ago. Apart from the Mike Hawthorn, Boulogne, Robert Ashley, Fox & Nicholl, Bill Phillips and other trophies, points will be scored towards the 1982 MOTOR SPORT Brooklands Memorial Trophy and cash prizes (all of which go to the competitors explains the Editor, looking Haggared!).

If you want to capture the feel of pre-war motor racing, in the Brooklands spirit, make the pilgrimage to Silverstone on July 10th. The day afterwards much the same atmosphere will prevail at Shelsley Walsh, where the VSCC has its speed hill-climb, again with emphasis on the birth of the Baby Austin. It will begin to happen at 2.30 p.m.

W. B.