750 MC National Austin 7 Rally


THIS well-known and well-attended event, the 20th of its kind, takes place on July 4th at the National Motor Museum at Beaulieu, Hampshire, and not at Luton as mistakenly announced last month. It encompasses a Concours d’Elegance for all kinds of Austin 7s, divided into 22 different classes, with 27 awards, gymkhana-type driving-tests, an Inter-Club relay contest, an exhibition of items relating to Austin history, an Austinjumble and other attractions, including, for members, the 750 Club tent and a barbecue on the Saturday evening beforehand organised by the Solent A7 Club. Entries have closed but some late ones may be taken on the rally field. This National Rally counts towards the 750 MC’s Championship and driving-test results towards the Ulster Trophy. The paying public will be very welcome to watch. Details from Alan and Lorna Martin, 49, Rowelfield, Luton LU2 9HL, telephone Luton 412556. — W.B.