Book reviews, July 1980, July 1980


Still on the subject of commercial vehicles, PSL of Bar Hill, Cambridge, have published four more uniform volumes, each measuring 91/4″ x 8″, in their very welcome “World Truck” series. These cover GAP, Dennis, Volvo and Scammell, numbered respectively from 5 to 8, and all are from the skilled pen of Pat Kennett. Whether you are an avid commercial-vehicle fan or not, I think you will find it hard to put any of these books down until all has been read and enjoyed. They are excellent, quick-references to the makes concerned, yet told in a fascinating manner, each story unfolding from origins to the present, backed up by a splendid wealth of pictorial detail, diagrammatic as well as photographic. I find these quick-reference histories well worth reading and a worthwhile addition to one’s library. The idea of having end-papers depicting the first and last models of each make, Pat Kennett’s personal anecdotes about the Scammell Company naturally add to the flavour and be has a happy knack of choosing the right illustrations to bring the story alive. I like the double-page picture of Burt Transport’s chain-drive, solid-tyred Scammell, for instance, and the Dennis truck on military trials; some cars are included in these histories, where relevant. Each book contains some 120 to 135 good photographs and drawings and other commercial-vehicle makes covered include ERF, Scania, Seddon Atkinson and MAN, as already reviewed in Motor Sport. Historians, users and proud drivers of such vehicles are very well served by these volumes, of which further tides are in preparation, to cover Fiat, AEC, International Harvester, Berliet/Saviem, Mercedes-Benz, Leyland, White, Thornycroft & Guy, Ford Europe, Magirus Deutz, Peterbilt, Albion and Morris and Foden, the last-named already available as a Kennett book severing the lorries and steamers. Treats in store, Each book sells for £3.95.