"Brooklands - A Pictorial History"


“Brookiands A Pictorial History” by G. N. Georgano. 1:2 pp 94″ x 7″. (Dalton Watson Ltd., Beaulieu Books, 76, Wardour Street, London, W1V 4AN. £5.25).

By my reckoning there have already been six books about Brooklands as a Motor Course and Aerodrome, including the original “Wheels Take Wings” and the Grenville standard history. So one might question whether another is necessary. Such a thought could, however, never enter the head of a true-blue Brooklands aficionado, because to those of us to whom the now-defunct Track was sheer magic, Heaven-on-Earth, there can never be too much published about it. In this little book, the first in a Beaulieu Books series published by Dalton Watson, which Lord Montagu of Beaulieu has graciously said he hopes I will regard as “a pictorial complement to your great work on Brooklands”, Nick Georgano has got together a splendid assortment of pictures y/hich capture admirably the atmosphere and happening at Brooklands, along all those years when it was active alniost every day of a summer week. He covers in this happy fashion not only the motor and motor-cycle racing but the flying, the Brooklands’ people, the oddities, and the very flavour of the place. Naturally quite a number of the photographs reproduced have appeared elsewhere. Inevitably, the book opens with views of the Track being constructed. Some of the pictures have filled-in a trifle and a larger format would have helped, but mostly the reproduction, on high-quality art-paper, of these undeniably rare and historic pictures, is good. Georgano has not attempted to make his book a brief history of