"World Cars, 1974".


“World Cars, 1974”. 439 pp. 11 in. x 91 in. (Herald I3ooks, 3, Henrietta Street, London, WC2E 8LU. £6.50).

The latest English-language edition of that all-embracing reference work, “World Cars”, published by the A.C. of Italy every year, is now available. There is little sign of car design stagnating and the make and model diversity is as complex as ever. With this essential publication it can all be sorted out— the specifications, the performance figures, the prices, of the World’s production motor cars.

Apart from the “meat” of the book, its copious pictures not only of complete cars but of technical items, and the very detailed specifications of every car from 43 m.p.h. Lawil Varsina to the £15,750 Rolls-Royce Corniche, competition motoring has a chapter to itself, by G. Rogliatti and in another six chapters experts look at World automobile production in Great Britain, America, France, Germany, Italy and Japan. Special-bodied cars get their own colour section, car and body firms are given an historical biography and there is an index to take you to specifications, prices and performance figures.

Intended as the best possible reference work for those whose business it is to know about cars, which it unquestionably is, “World Cars”, which weighs nearly four pounds, is also a magnificent browsing tome, a book for hours of window-shopping, whether your tastes lie in the direction of a little 300 kg. Lawil Log or the 188-m.p.h. Ferrari Boxer Berlinetta.

I would not like to be without a copy.—W.B.