Racing on Public Roads


Since 1925 speed events on public roads have been banned in this country. So it is interesting to discover that when the Tour de France bicycle race was staged here, the Plymouth Stage on June 29th was held on the Plymouth By-Pass, which was closed while a circuit race of some 100 miles took place. The race was timed to start at 10 a.m, and spectators were charged admission. Not only that, but Plymouth Municipal Offices have published brochures about this race and other road races and time trials which will take place in the area. But try to close a small piece of public road for a motor car or motorcycle speed trial and you will be very much out of luck.

Incidentally, we notice that the Plymouth Council prefaces its Tour de France publicity material with the statement that this classic pedal-cycle event compares with other classics such as “The Indianapolis 500, the Ryder Cup, the Prix de l’Arc de Triomphe, Wimbledon and the World Cup”. What is so wrong with the British Grand Prix and thc IoM TT?—W.B.