Ernest Henry



For many years I have been doing research on the life and work of Ernest Henry, designer ot the GP Ballots and collaborator, at least, in the design of the GP Peugeots.

Excellent British authorities—including Pomeroy, Nickols and Karslake–are most confidently explicit concerning Henry’s employment by STD and Louis Coatalen.

Excellent French authorities—among them René Thomas (who was very close to Henry and spent a year at this period with STD), Paul Yvelin (historian, long-time yop executive with Delage and Peugeot) and the son of Henry himself all are categorically formal that Henry never had any dealings with STD or Coatalen and that, in fact, he was profoundly bitter over the latter’s exploitation of his ideas and, perhaps, of his name.

I would like to know if any of your readers are aware of the existence of any objective documentary evidence which supports the British claim.

Griffith Borgeson – La Motte d’Aigues, France.