Constipated computers



It is with interest that I read in the April issue of Motor Sport your various criticisms of the Swansea Computer Centre, as I feel that I am in as good a position as any to complain of the service offered by it.

As a seventeen-year-old, having read the several publicity articles put in the national papers by the D of E in late February, I duly sent to Swansea on March 1st ior my first Provisional licence, Now, six weeks later, I still have not received it, although the cheque was cashed on March 8th. I have already had to cancel one driving lesson, and if the licence does not come soon I shall have to cancel more.

Why should it take so long to issue a licence? It would take the computer less than a few seconds to digest my particulars and print me the licence. The answer can lie only in inefficient organisation and management, and it is appalling that such a state of affairs should exist in so important a government department. Have any other readers similar experiences of Swansea’s inefficiency?

A. Michael – Andover.

[And who gets the interest on the cashed cheques? Ed.]