V-E-V Odds & Ends, July 1972


—It is hoped that some pre-war parts which are on a Buckinghamshire farm in company with an ancient horse-driven grain elevator will escape the scrap dealers by commanding fair prices. They include 2-ton Chevrolet and Morris Commercial truck chassis converted into trailers, the remains of two Model-T Ford chassis, one with intact back axle on wooden wheels, a 1936 Ford tractor in working order, a nearly complete later tractor and some stationary engines. Dr. Pinkerton hopes to have the 1911 10-litre GP Fiat running again this year, new cylinder blocks having been cast for it, and from Australia he has brought back a Cubitt tourer, which is being restored. A Humber in very poor condition, probably a circa 1929 9/20 Saloon, was discovered recently in a derelict and partially collapsed garage off Rickmansworth High Street and was shown at a Chrysler dealers’ open evening recently. Apparently they couldn’t identify it but C. M. Garrett Ltd. of that town hope to restore it. A 1926 Rolls-Royce Twenty with a long history, which had lain derelict on a farm, its klaxon used to scare birds in an orchard, and was formerly used by an Order of Nuns, a Welsh farmer who carried sheep in it, and a boys’ school who used it for camping expeditions, has now been given to Overbury Conservative Party for a fund-raising auction.

Alldays, Peacock & Co. Ltd. have bought, in good working order, a 1909 two-cylinder 10/12 Alldays & Onions, for display at their premises in Sydenham Road, Birmingham, where these cars were made originally by Alldays & Onions Pneumatic Engineering Co, Ltd.—a nice gesture.