Brooklands Society News


The Brooklands Re-Union takes on July 6th, at 2.30 p.m., admission to the Track being confined to Members and Associates with current membership cards. The arrangements will be as in former years, with a buffet tea and film show afterwards at the “Hand and Spear”.

The Society has taken steps to safeguard the future of such historic relics from Brooklands as the B.A.C. may from time to time dispose of. Some notable landmarks are already being demolished.

A dinner, at which any person with Brooklands associations (and their ladies) will be welcome, is envisaged in London in November. To make this a success and a good means of recruitment for the Society, enthusiastic support is essential. Will those interested please let the Hon. Sec. know, as soon as possible. Letters should be addressed to The Brooklands Society, Standard House, Bonhill Street, London, E.C.2.