Alfa Romeo postscript



May I add a postscript to my letter in the June MOTOR SPORT?

In it I said that the clutch cable breaking in the road test Giulia TI saloon must have been an unlucky chance in a thousand. Within hours of writing the letter exactly the same thing happened to my Alfa Romeo Sprint GT!

The dutch is operated by a multi-strand Bowden cable led through a fairly tight right-angle bend and in my case all the strands had sheared. I was ignominiously towed in and my local garage kept me on the road by brazing the cable until the new spare arrived. This came from Thomson and Taylors very quickly and the price was extremely reasonable.

The cable is only used on r.h.d. models and is therefore probably a design afterthought. It is beautifully made, like all Alfa bits and pieces, and the only snag is the tight turn in the run.

Incidentally, one of your readers has kindly sent me a recipe for curing the flat spot at 2,750 r.p.m. in a painless manner (i.e. no cost) and this I intend to put into effect in the near future.

A. Dunhill (CDR., M.V.O., R.N.)