The impotent A.A.



Are we really stark, staring bonkers, or just punch-drunk? Here we are, motorists and industry alike, confronted by another outrageous attack by a profligate Government. And what does our “greatest” motoring organisation do? Recruits an ex-civil servant from a department noted for its negative, outmoded and ineffective performance to advise on road planning problems. Meanwhile, the idiot politicians thrash around with the finesse of a wounded hippo, to find a way of despoiling us still further. But not a squeak from the Lords, Bishops and friends of the Establishment who preside over the so respectable A.A. Presumably they are preparing a diplomatically worded statement for submission through the proper channels.

I believe that motorists would leave the A.A. in their thousands and swarm to support a vigorous, militant body which would fight autophobia in any Government with the weapon which politicians fear—skilful and fearless propaganda.

Gidea Park.
H. S. Wildman.