That Fiat 500 cult



should like to offer a hearty if belated endorsement to J. Westall’s eulogy on the Fiat 500 which appeared in your February issue.

While I cannot claim Mr. Westall’s quite phenomenal 56 m.p.g. I would say that my experience of this remarkable little car is much the same as his. I, too, suffer a guilt complex in regard to buying a non-British machine—my second foreign car in point of fact. I would be delighted to “Buy British” if only the trade had anything comparable in performance and cost to the little Fiat.

Underscal, a really comprehensive tool kit, excellent finish—all these and quite phenomenal starting from cold, come to the fortunate owner of this cheapest of small motor cars. A pity the B.M.C. cannot or does not do likewise.

Like you, Sir, I can truthfully say that I have no axe to grind in extolling the Duova.

C. E. Creasley.