The V.S.C.C Light Car Rally (June 9th)


This is always a pleasing event. This year it was organised by J. K. Milner and B. Clark and attracted an excellent entry of 19. After being judged for originality, maintenance and elegance, the cars had to undertake a simple driving-test in the grounds of the Wilton Carpet Factory before setting out on a 40-mile navigational exercise which, if taken correctly, involved an ascent of Middledown Hill near Shaftesbury.

The contestants included Condon’s extremely original and immaculate 1923 A.C., Getley’s 1913 Swift with four big brass lamps and a period fire-extinguisher, Riddle’s 1921 G.N., which, using its all-valves-upstairs Vitesse engine, ascended Middledown without resort to bottom speed, Holton’s very nice 8/18 Humber 2-seater, Redman’s yellow Trojan tourer, the h.t. leads of which match the colour of the body but are fortunately well concealed beneath the floor, and a couple of 1925 Morris-Cowleys, one a rare but scruffy coupé, the other a most appealing 2-seater. Mrs. Owen brought her exceedingly handsome 1926 Austin Seven Chummy, and there were two others of this breed, less presentable. Jarrett came in a rare 1927 side-valve Riley saloon, Hayward in his much-travelled, slightly ornate Fiat 503, and Wise had a nice 1927 Clyno tourer. Jowetts were represented by Iles’ 1929 4-seater, with f.w.b., and Allport’s long-chassis 2-seater without this luxury—true vintage light cars, these. Franklin’s well-known 10/25 sports Rover, Tuckey’s 1929 Swift Ten coupé, Dighton’s clean and as-new 9/20 Humber, and Hicks, bravely conducting a 1919 Stellite, completed the 1963 field.

On the whole the turn-out was far from immaculate, some of the cars being downright dirty. It isn’t a bad thing that V.S.C.C. vintage light cars need not attain unduly high standards of turnout, because they are primarily for the less affluent members, but it’s a pity brass lamps out of period and copper exhaust pipes are found so frequently.—W. B.


Lady Rachel Trophy: D. T. R. Dighton (1928 Humber 9/20).

First-Class Award: J. G. Holton (1924 Humber 8/18).

Second-Class Awards: M. C. Angell (1925 Morris-Cowley), K. J. Grainger (1925 Morris-Cowley).

Third-Class Awards: G. E. Hicks (1919 Stellite), J. M. Hayward (1927 Fiat 503).