Your Car Madam


Your Car Madam

Everything a car can give you … independent suspension on all four wheels … the smooth ride of a big limousine … the expensive finish and opulent click of the doors … the effortless ease of the synchromesh gears … the joy of a powerful heater among the many built-in luxuries … and of course the sparkling gay colours in all their most fashionable shades — with a deep rich lustre that’s made to last. And when you come to depend on your VW, you’ll appreciate owning the world’s most

reliable car, cheap to run, easy to park, with an air cooled engine that always starts promptly — that can’t freeze or boil.

The treble-armour of resin enamel paintwork endures all weathers and is the only garage a VW needs. Ask any owner. SPECIAL INSURANCE RATES FOR VOLKSWAGEN VEHICLES ITOLKSWAGEN 32-34 St. John’s Wood Road, London, N.W.8. CONningham 8000 West End Showrooms: 38-39 Stratton St., London, W. I. GROsvenor 4666