

“MOTOR SPORT” Tests the Discbraked Zephyr Overdrive Convertible, the Latest Taunus 17M 4-speed Saloon, Anne Hall’s Tulip Rally Anglia and an Allard Shorrock-supercharged Anglia

LAST year, although our road-test curriculum was a full one, I drove but one Dagenham Ford car, and that to sample its optional disc front brakes rather than the car itself. This is a state of affairs that might he expected to trouble Aldous Huxley, who saw Ford as a substitute for God and whose home in Hollywood was destroyed in a forest fire the other day; not that there is necessarily any connection between these two facts. As a motoring writer who likes to drive as many cars as possible, a Fordless twelve-month was unpalatable and I am glad that this year amends have been made—it never rains but it pours, especially during an English summer, and last May I was able to try four Fords in quick succession.

Fresh-Air in a Zephyr


The first was a smart Zephyr convertible—the one in which the top is stowed by electric power from the fashionable coupé de ville position to the fully open car state. This is very useful in Britain, where showers descend with unexpected suddenness and wet weather blows up horribly quickly. In torrential rain no water penetrated the hood but gutters on the quarter-windows would be appreciated. But, apart from this excellent convertible top, which has no disadvantages other than some rattles from a bodyshell rendered less rigid than a saloon, and a rather narrower back seat, the 2.5-litre Ford Zephyr from Dagenham, Essex, in little old England, possesses many other good characteristics.

Performance, for example, is more than adequate for most occasions, and the 3-speed gearbox, controlled by a r.h. ” bentwire ” steering-column gear-lever which swaps ratios smoothly and decisively, was, on the test-car, supplemented by overdrive on all three gears. Most drivers would use this on motorways, retaining the lower set of gears for normal driving but, so flexible and powerful is the 6-cylinder Zephyr engine that I found no disadvantage in employing the overdrive permanently, using the kick-down action of the accelerator for overtaking. This no doubt contributed to the big Ford’s very reasonable fuel economy of 25.7 m.p.g. The tank contents gave a useful range of 256 miles. This overdrive is put into or out of action by a toggle control, which should be operated only with the car stationary or moving slowly, which isn’t comparable with a flick-switch coatrol. More

over, it seems possible that someone had abused the overdrive on the test Zephyr, because it came in with a loud clonk as the car got into its stride, which suggested something amiss. I locked it Out for a time but, to obtain a good m.p.g. figure, put it into action later, with the embarrassing result that when I next attempted to start from rest the elegant-looking Ford refused to go either forwards or backwards. Eventually, with the clutch protesting, there was a thud and the car moved forward, but refused to reverse. Shying at the idea of driving a forward-only Ford in • Silverstone’s crowded paddock on the morrow I sought a telephone box to put a call through to the great Ford organisation; it was a surprise to find that after about 5.30 p.m. there is no-one available at Dagenham to take emergency calls except the caretaker, who didn’t cotton on about the diseased overdrive. There was no alternative but to drive back to Lincoln Cars, where the Press Fords come from, and resume B.M.C. transportation—in fact, I’d had a lucky escape, for had the trouble not been detected after a roadside stop I should have driven into my garage that night and at 6 a.m. the next morning, in a hurry to leave for the B.R.D.C. International Trophy Meeting, would have been confronted with a Ford immovably welded to the floor

In fact, Ford’s telephoned me, explaining that they would have effected repairs that night hut that no spare overdrive units were in stock at Lincoln Cars, so I arranged to resume the test a few days later, when I was shown the tooth that had broken off and wedged in the mechanism—the onus on Borg-Warner rather than Ford.

After that the Zephyr gave no further trouble, except when one of the Firestone gum-dipped de luxe tyres found the heat and the mess of loose grit and tar with which we repair our roads in the month of May too much for it, which gave me an opportunity of sampling the Ford jacking system, which certainly renders punctures but a mild hardship.

I enjoyed very much making reacquaintance with this willing Ford Zephyr, which has an absolute maximum speed of better than 90 m.p.h., attains go m.p.h. its overdrive second gear, reaches 6o m.p.h. from rest in 17 sec., and devours the s.s. I-mile in 29.7 sec., cruising easily at 70. The low-geared steering is light but a bit vague (31 turns, lock-to-lock), the suspension on the sloppy side, but there is no need to rush madly round the curves with such vivid acceleration and the extremely good Girling discbrakes on the front wheels, which make all the difference to the Zephyr and which function to perfection. Another aspect of the Zephyr that discourages ambitious cornering is the height of the brake pedal above the accelerator, precluding quick movement of the right foot from one to the other. Synchromesh on bottom gear would be nice but is by no means essential. I was less enamoured with the pull-out hand-brake, the clutch seemed to have seen better days, being fierce, and although there is a spacious under-facia shelf it was irritating to find that the lockable cubby-hole wouldn’t accept anything so bulky as a Rolleillex camera. The headlamps were no match for the Zephyr’s speed. The bonnet opens automatically, the heavy boot lid is self-propping, revealing a vast luggage-stowage area, the flashers’ stalk, controlled by the left hand, works with precision,

and as the rear window of the convertible top somewhat obscures the interior mirror, useful wing mirrors are fitted. Altogether I enjovedZephyr motoring, which. I found comfortable and relaxing. -This convertible, with overdrive, power hood and disc front brakes, etc., is an excellent and eye-able version of

this well-established Ford model. It is priced at )193. as. 2d, inclusive of purchase tax.

Satisfaction with the New Taunus

Returning the Zephyr with reluctance I took away the latest .1.7-litre Ford Taunus t7M saloon. Almost exactly a year earlier I had put a Taunus station-wagon to some hard tasks and had :formed a very good opinion of it. Since then the German-built Ford has been testyled-and given better brakes and the Saloon had the 4-speed gearbox whereas in 19.69 the car I bad sampled had the 3-speed box,

Early impressions were that a good deal of gear shifting was called for and that the brakes still lacked real stopping power. This, however, I. soon found to be complimentary to the top-gear performance of the larger-engined Ford Zephyr and its unobtrusively excellent disc-brake. In fact, after one hundred miles or so I had no complaints about the brakes on the ty6t Taunus; except that they squealed loudly; they arc progressive, amply powerful and very light. I found that, as the car is high-geared, I was, in fact, doing a good deal of gear-changing, which is no hardship, on account Of one of the most precise, light and silky-smooth steering-column changes I have encountered, aided by excellent synchromesh on all forward ratios—the lever protrudes on the left of the steering wheel on r.h.d. cars, is spring-loaded to the upper ratio positions, has the gear locations marked on each face of its slender square knob and lifts eaSily and positivelybeyond bottom gear to engage reverse.

This latest Ford Taunus has very attractive aerodynamicallyclean lines, with double-curvature screen and curved side windows, and “square ” headlamps suggesting dual units; the doors shut expensively, the interior decor breathes good taste and quality, and to the pleasing features of the earlier Taunus has been added a splendid Goldic sliding roof which, instead of having to be moved with the fingers, is wound open and shut by means of a small Crank in the roof with spring-retracted handle, the complete Operation calling for 13 turns. As handed over, the, wide bench front scat, which renders-this -a 6-seater car, was fairly comfortable but the cushion is rather too shallow; its squab was set at .a ” lolling ” angle. This, however, is adjustable by means of thumb-screws at the base of the squab. The seats are upholstered partly in cloth,-partly in plastic Material. Forward visibility is excellent and such items as lockable quarterlights. extremely .smooth-working window handles (5 turns up-to-down), coat hooks, padded vizors, interior door handles beneath the arm-rests where they cannot be operated inadvertently, a very light interior thanks to a big rear window and large side windows, sill door locks, and a steering wheel set low (the Germans seem to see the sense of this—look at the VW, for instance) with excellent finger grips and pleasantly substantial

rim enhance the feeling of well-being that driver and occupants enjoy in a Taunus.

This good first-impression is borne out by very light and smooth steering (which is a different thing from steering that is merely light !) possessing quick, well-contrived castor return action, the aforesaid splendid gear-change, a gearbox so quiet that third gear is apt to be retained under the mistaken impression that the•final upward shift has been made, and the light brakes, which are perfectly adequate but apt to lag very slightly in initial action, and, although in normal driving there is no trace of fade, do not feel quite so efficient under frequent heavy applications. The steering, geared 34 turns lock-to-lock, refuses to transmit shocks or kick-back, a full horn-ring sounds a VW-like horn, and the smooth controls of the Taunus are allied to a quiet engine, silent gearbox and back axle and a body so free from rattles that a metallic tinkle, possibly emanating from the steering-column thief-proof lock, tended to be irritating. The doors have rather too-strong; springy “keeps.”

Further pleasure was derived from An excellent Motorola radio., a lockable; metal-lidded square deep cubby-hole easily Able to swallow the camera, and a small but sensible map-stowage down by the driver’s right leg. There is a very good multi-adjustment heater with horizontal quadrant controls. Courtesy interior lighting is operated by opening any of the doors.

Modernity faces the Taunus owner in the finger-tip press-down mint* controls along the base of the facia, illustrated as to their individual function. They, control side and headlamps(operation of the latter automatically depressing the sidelamps’ control as well) and 2-speed wipers, and are Matched by pull-out ash-tray and lighter. These controls are slightly fumbly in going from he.adlAmps to sidelamps, but no doubt an owner would get accustomed to the close proximity of these controls. A foot-operated screen-washer button is located on the side of the shallow prop.shaft tunnel, and horn and wipers arc inoperative if the ignition is. turned off.

Opposite. the gear-lever is the flashers’ stalk, not quite so precise as that on a Zephyr but having the merit of flashing the headlamps independently of the facia lighting switches if moved in and out—essential for complaisant motorway driving. It also looks after instantaneous dipping of the ‘headlamps beam.

Before the driver there is a 190-m.p.h. Vdo speedometer with total mileage recorder (lacking a tenths reading) but no trip. This speedometer is flanked by a Vdp clock and a combined fuel gauge and heat indicator. These dials have plated centres in which one can see one’s.. .face and, although soon accepted, this is not altogether a feature I like, nor are the instruments as easy to read as they might he. There is variable instrument lighting by turning a small knob. Red, green, orange and blue warning lights supplement the instrumentation. The pull-out-and-twist hand-brake is. reasonably placed and there is a treadle accelerator which fell Off—it pivots on holes in its rubber structure and looked impossibly flimsy but, refitted, gave no further anxiety. Offor near-side selection of the side. and rear lights for parking purposes can be obtained from the flashers’


Engine : Six cylinders, 82.5)< 79.5 mm. (2,553 c.c.). Pushrod-operated overhead valves. 7.8-to-I compressionratio. 85 b.h.p. at 4,400 r.p.m.

Gear ratios : 1st, II OS to I; overdrive 1st, 7.76 to I; 2nd, 6.40 to ; overdrive and, 4.48 to ; top, 3.90 to 1; overdrive top, 2.73 to I.

Tyres: 6.40 x 13 Firestone gum-dipped de luxe on bolt-on steel disc wheels.

Weight : Not weighed; maker’s figure i ton 5 cwt. (kerb weight).

Steering ratio : 3i turns, lock-to-lock.

Fuel capacity : tot gallons. (Range : 256 miles.) Wheelbase : 8 ft. it1 in.

Track : Front, 4 ft. 5 in.; rear, 4 ft. 4 in.

Dimensions : 14 ft. xoi in. x 5 ft. 81 in. x 5 ft. 01 in. (high— hood erect).

PriCE : £841 IOS. (£1,193 5s. inclusive of purchase tax). Makers : Ford Motor Company, Ltd., Dagenham, Essex, England.

stalk. The lockable steering provides some proof against police pilferage but it is disconcerting, until the action has been discovered, to put this into operation while the car is coasting (in my case, it was only a kerb !).

From the foregoing it will he appreciated that the new Ford Taunus has good looks, is refined and well-equipped within and has sensibly arranged controls. In action, it lives up to its looks. It cruises quietly at 70 m.p.h., will run up to indicated speeds of 36, 64 and 84 m.p.h. in the high indirect gears, being, indeed, almost as fast in third as in top gear (maximum 88 m.p.h.), while its pick-up is of the order of 0-60 m.p.h. in 19.8 sec., s.s. I-mile in 21.4 sec.

The suspension is fairly soft and copes fairly well with unmade roads; it permits some roll on corners, but this roll is well controlled and does not detract from the pleasure of fast cornering. The cornering characteristic is virtually neutral between overand understeer, nor do the German Goodyear “Super Cushion de luxe” tubeless tyres protest at such treatment.

The Taunus t7M, then, is an effortless car to drive; moreover, it is astonishingly economical, which is a tribute to the Solex 32 PICB carburetter, high gearing, light weight and a good body form. The engine started easily without the choke, so the mixture could hardly have been lean, yet on a rapid run to Snetterton for the Stanley Sears Trophy Meeting, when the long straight roads of Norfolk encouraged high speed, yet after-race traffic-jams might have been expected to destroy fuel economy, I obtained a genuine 35.6 m.p.g. of premium (not too-octane) petrol. I was so surprised that a further test was made; the overall consumption, inclusive of more severe traffic hold-ups in London, averaged 33.8 m.p.g., the lowest figure being exactly 32 m.p.g., an extremely good figure for a spacious car capable of not far short of 90 m.p.h. A full tank took me 305 miles. Incidentally, a ti-litre engine is available, which should be sensationally economical.

The bonnet springs up automatically and the hinged rear number-plate (which conceals the petrol filler) locks shut, and the lid of the big luggage boot is lockable. The lamps give good night-driving vision.

Ford of Cologne have provided in the latest Taunus 17M features that combine to make this a splendid touring car which it is virtually impossible to fault. If you crave the lines of an American “compact,” the finish and practicability for which German cars are renowned, speed, refinement and economy here are these qualities blended into a handsome 5/6-seater 4-door saloon priced, in this country, at an inclusive £1,269 Os. sod.


Engine : Four cylinders, 84 x 76.7 MM. (1,698 C.C.). Pushrod-operated overhead valves. 7.0-to-I compressionratio. 6o b.h.p. at 4,500 r.p.m.

Gear ratios : 1st, 12.2 to I; and, 7.01 to 1; 3rd, 4.88 to I; top, 3.56 to 1.

Tyres: 5.9O< 13 German Goodyear Super Cushion de luxe tubeless, on bolt-on steel disc wheels.

Weight : 18 cwt. 2 qtr. o lb. (without passengers, but ready for the road, with approximately x gallon of petrol). Steering ratio : 31 turns, lock-to-lock.

Fuel capacity : to gallons. (Range : 305 miles.) Wheelbase : 8 ft. 71 in. Track : Front, 4 ft. 3 in.; rear, 4 ft. 21d in,

Dimensions : 14 ft. 7t in. x 5 ft. st in. x 4 ft. 9 in. (high).

Price : £895 (£1,269 os. sod. inclusive of purchase tax). Makers : Ford Motor Company, Ltd., Cologne, Germany.

Concessionaires : Lincoln Cars Ltd., Great West Road, Brentford, Middlesex.

Two Special Anglias I was able next to try two special de luxe Ford Ar.gliat, an

I was able next to try two special de luxe Ford Ar.gliat, an additional pleasure because I had not driven one of these 997-c.c. saloons since 1959. The first Anglia sampled was 6481 PU which Anne Hall and Val Doinleo used for the Tulip Rally, and in this lamp-bestrewn yellow car I drove off down the Great West Road to find out how it had weathered this 2,390-mile event. It had been modified by Jack Welch and his boys of Fords Competition Department to “improved series production touring car ” standards of tune, which meant a bigger (24 mm. instead of 22 mm.) choke and 140 main jet in the single carburetter, compression-ratio raised to about 9.3 to 1, and an overlap camshaft. The gear ratios were standard but a 4.4-to-1 axle ratio was used. The road-holding and cornering had been greatly improved by the simple expedient of leaving the rear springs and dampers unchanged but fitting export-type front suspension and 25% stiffer dampers. Inside the car there were such obvious items of longdistance rally equipment as illuminated twin Swiss-made stopclocks in the lidless cubby-hole, a Halda Speedpilot, with, above it, an illuminated route-card holder, a heater set below the facia, a point for a plug-in map-magnifier carried in a snug box on the prop.-shaft tunnel, a flexible Rallymaster map lamp, a kilometre speedometer, door pockets, a radiator blind, stowage baskets in

the back compartment for Thermos flasks, maps, etc., a metal grab-handle, a paper clip for oddments, a horn button on the facia sill for Miss Domleo to operate, and towing eyes each end of the car. In addition there were items probably specified by Anne Hall herself, such as a foot lamps-dipper, a long vertical stalk protruding out of the facia sill on the right for flashing the powerful headlamps independently of the facia switch, a more accstible instrument lighting switch, a special, very comfortable driving seat (the navigator’s seat looked normal but its squab could be made to lean back when sleep was deemed essential), Richmond seat harness with Siebe Gorman release mechanism, a metal division in the under-facia shelf, padding on the driver’s door, an extended gear-lever, pedals well arranged all in the same plane, a hooded Speedwell electric rev.-counter, and a small ammeter on the facia sill in front Of the driver. This last-named was a reminder of the generous illumination possessed by this Rally Anglia.

Besides Marchal Equilux headlamps with more powerful bulbs there were two Marchal ” Fantastic ” fog lamps, a centrallymounted Lucas spot-lamp painted over to obviate dazzle in the sun, as it was just visible over the bonnet, a Lucas reversing lamp and a roof-mounted swivelling Lucas RMS 576 spot-lamp for reading signposts, etc.

The screen was of Triplex plate glass, side and back windows-of Perspex, although the windows in the doors wound down properly. Weight had also been saved by removing some of the interior trim, from the boot and SO on. Anne Hall had her sticker on the back window, so I had to behave.

This keen little car was shod with Dunlop Duraband Rh i tyres, with two Spares in the boot flanked by two Eversure Fillacans for spare fuel, and there was an linfo inspection lamp, with lead, loose in the boot. It was great fun to drive, although I found it slightly embarrassing to have to play the part of a travelling tulip !

The engine responded instantly to the throttle and was notably smooth, although quite capable of going to 7,400 r.p.m., theshort-stroke of the 80-bore losE engine being reassuring at such crankshaft speeds. I was told too-octane petrol was unnecessary but there was muffled pinking on premium fuels, although the power unit was unexpectedly tractable down to 20 m.p.h. in top gear. The speedometer went “off the stop” as a matter of course, indicating a cruising speed of some 160 k.p.h. and in the gears indicated speeds of approximately 28, 47 and 87 m.p.h. were obtainable, the .speedometer getting ” faster ” as speed increased. This willing performance, coupled with suspension that felt quite soft yet was damped to just the right degree, and brakes (lined with Ferodo VG95) that hadn’t deteriorated too much and were entirely adequate providing considerable pressure was applied to the pedal (they had merely been adjusted since the rally), made this Anglia a very fast car front point to point. Nor was this tuned Anglia unduly noisy, the driving position was excellent—why cannot manufacturers incorporate rally lessons

anent seating and lighting into production models ?—and the back-end, helped by proper damping and the Durabands, only became ” lifty ” on really tight turns or when the rigid back axle objected to rough road edges.

In this Ford Anglia my wife and I left late for the opening of the Brighton Motor Museum and lunch with Lord and Lady Montagu and Donald Campbell and his charming wife. I did not set the Halda because I didn’t want to break my neck, but we arrived in time. . . .

Apart from its improved road-holding and useful performance, this Tulip Rally Anglia returned very satisfactory fuel economy. Checked on a very rapid run down A 30 front Blackwater to .Chilbolton the day before Ernest Marples made this fast road a 50-m.p.h. boulevard, the game little Ford returned home and set off for London, via Chobham, not running out of fuel until it was almost into Chertsey—an average of 35.2 m.p.g., which can be compared with the 36.4 m.p.g. I obtained from the normal Anglia road-tested three years ago. Presumably Anne Hall relied on those jerry-cans, as the range had not otherwise been increased, a full tank lasting 206 miles. I weighed the car with about half-agallon of petrol in the tank, the extra equipment and twin spare wheels putting the weight up to 15 cwr. 3 qtr. without occupants.

The next Ford I tried was another Anglia de luxe, Firestoneshod this time, standard save for wing mirrors and a Shorrock supercharger installation for which the World distributors are the Allard Motor Co. Ltd., of 24-28, High Street, Clapham, London, S.W.4, who can supply it in kit form for (:69 15s., or fitted for £75, easy terms spread over nine or ten months, with a minimum deposit of £ro, being available.

This blower installation is fitted to an absolutely unmodified engine, so that if the car is sold it can easily be converted back to atmospheric induction. The supercharger fits neatly on the near Side, is driven by a single belt, lubricated automatically, and draws from an S.U. carburetter, the throttle linkage being capable of adjustment to ensure smooth pick-up. There is a well-proportioned inlet manifold incorporating a blow-off valve at the rear end. This supercharger installation gives greatly increased performance with no more than mild turbine noises when acceletating. Indicated speeds of 30, 50 and 75 m.p.h. were seen in the indirect gears on the possibly optimistic speedometer, coinciding with 7,400 r.p.m. on the Trophy electric rev.-counter (a product of A.I.D., Ltd., of Feltham) which occupied an extra panel centrally below the facia and was flanked by a small boost gauge, which read at lb./sq. in. at maximum r.p.m., and an inoperative extra petrol gauge. Actually peak power is developed at about 6,5oo r.p.m. This Shorrock-blown Anglia could, like the Tulip Rally car, easily put the speedometer needle off the dial, suggesting a maximum speed of 85-90 m.p.h. and it accelerated very impressively and smoothly, but was not quite SO tractable as the unblown car. It was exactly one hundredweight lighter (14 cwt. 3 qtr.) than the fully-equipped Anne Hall car and was faster over the s.s. 4-mile; the best time recorded, three up, by the blown car was 20.6 sec. (mean of two two-way runs, 20.7 sec.), whereas the Rally Ford’s best time was 22.0 SeC. (mean 22.5 see.. 20.6 sec. for the s.s. 4-mile is the figure quoted in the brochure, which is commendably honest of Sydney Allard, Chris Shorrock or someone. It compares with the 23.0 sec. I recorded with a standard

Anglia. Conthmed on page 569


Regular readers of this feature must by now have gathered that, in almost every instance when the Editor takes up a book in order CO get a break from motoring, cars invariably intrude. Quite one of the most interesting examples of this phenomenon that I have come upon recently occurs in that excellent book “The Ante-Room,” by Lovat Dickson (Macmillan, 5959). As early as page 22 there is reference to a horseless carriage that the author’s father had shipped out to him in Western Australia. Its make isn’t quoted but it had a single-cylinder engine and broke down frequently. Then, by page 46, Mr. Dickson, Senr., now living in Salisury, Southern Rhodesia, has a Willys-Overland, looked after by a native servant. This was circa 1910, when there were only dirt roads; this car was powerful, had gas headlamps, and kicked like a mule; the proud native who tended it used to ride face downwards on the running-board, arm through the spare wheel, an ” enormous toe gripping in a prehensile way the handle of the back door.” I am not sure whether the Overland was called a VP/kw-Overland quite as early as 1910, although the Indianapolis Company that made it had that title; no doubt American historians will be able to clarify this point.

The book mentions young Dr. Huggins’ Indian motorcycle (he later became Prime Minister of Rhodesia) and other cars of the 1918-20 era such as that in which Dickson contrived to sit in the back with his first girl friend, and others he drove for the C.P.R. to earn holiday-money when he was an undergraduate at Edmonton, Canada. These are not named by make, perhaps because they were the usual undistinguished American cars of that period. But there is reference to a silent, speedy Grey-Dort owned by the author’s father at this period. An ancient Briscoe was given to Dickson for his daily journeys to and from the School of Mines in Haileybury (until the snow came and a St. Bernard dog and sleigh had to be substituted), and there is reference to a 1919 Star tourer, presumably an American and not a Wolverhampton Star, owned by Professor Broadus, head of the English Department of Edmonton University. A brief but fine description is included of a drive in the snow in this car and subsequently there is reference to a journey of nearly 5,00o miles from Edmonton to Los Angeles in this same Star. Incidentally, there were two Stars made in America, one at Indianapolis, another at New Jersey as a Durant product, but 1919 seems a bit early for the latter yet to be after the former had ceased production; however, Doyle may have misled me here and confirmation from the States will no doubt be forthcoming. The Grey-Dort was made in Ontario from 1917-1924.

Another intriguing motoring reference in this book concerns a rich American lady, a Mrs. Elliott, who claimed that her lawyer father (alas, not named) had the first automobile in London, by which she may have meant the first American automobile. What, I wonder, would be the comment of our V.C.C. and the V.C.C. of America about this ?

While on this fascinating subject, a correspondent who writes to tell me that he is renovating the only vintage (1920) 15.9-h.p. Star known to the V.S.C.C., mentions that in “My Grandmother and I ” there is a picture of the author, Diana Holman-Hunt, in an Edwardian light car.—W. B.


Farmers who like miniatures won’t be able to resist the very fine Corgi Toys model of the Fordson “Power Major” (No. 55) tractor which has working steering (another step forward in the race for innovations in the miniatures’ field), rear lifting mechanism, and vertical safety, or flexible, exhaust, etc. There is also a splendid plastic replica of a four-furrow plough (No. 56) for the tractor to pull.

Another Corgi Kit addition is a kit for assembling into a realistic Batley ” Leofric ” Garage with swinging door (No. 6o1), which my youngest daughter assembled very easily, using a 6d. tube of plastic cement. The prices of these Corgi models and kit are, respectively, 6s. 6d., 2s. 9d. and 35. Young farmers will appreciate the fact that the plough will also fit the Corgi Massey Ferguson 65 tractor (No. so).—W. B.

Should you want to learn all about karting you can do so in “Tackle Karting This Way,” by Ivan Berg (Stanley Paul, I2a. 6d.). You won’t read anything about it in this journal, I promise you, unless something gets slipped in when my back is turned, as sometimes happens with items about motoring news. . .—W. B.

The blown car’s brakes were lighter, but had an irritating squeak. Alas, a supercharger often has A considerable thirst for petrol, which is -certainly so in this case. Under very similar highspeed driving conditions the consumption averaged 26.5 m.p.g. and some semi-traffic work increased this to 24.1 m.p.g., an average of 25.3 m.p.g. of premium petrol such as Esse) Extra.

Both these Anglias started promptly and gave no trouble of any kind. Reacquaintance with this model emphasised the pleasant gear-change, high-geared steering (21turns, lock-to-lock) and good visibility, but reminded rue that the handling, passable on good roads, deteriorates on rougher surfaces, when the cart-sprung back axle wags the tail and tends to tramp. This was particularly noticeable on the unmodified Allard car, in which the rear dampers seemed to be capable of very little work after 8,700 miles and on which there was an unpleasant tendency to weave. The back seat is also cramped, children used to riding in VWs and Mini-Minors immediately commenting on this, which may be why Ford has introduced the larger Consul Classic which was reviewed in MOTOR SPORT last month.

I always go to a motor race on Whit Mondays (Brooklands before the war, Goodwood since) and the Tulip Rally Anglia seemed an excellent car to go in, after which I took it back to Jack Welch and, like the characters in Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World,” said “Thank Ford ” for an interesting quartet of roadtest cars.—W. B.


WITH almost everyone away at Le Mans this B.A.R.C. fixture, like the lesser club meetings at Brooklands prewar, was attended only by a small crowd of “regulars.” Alas, it was marred by the fatal accident to P. W. Thomas, whose Lotus-Ford crashed at Lavant Corner on the first lap of the second race—Goodwood’s second fatality in two consecutive meetings.

Dodd, driving Birch’s Lotus-Climax, just kept ahead of Dickinson’s Lotus to win the 1,I0O-C.C. Sports-Car Scratch Race at 81.33 m.p.h., Garbett’s Lotus third, Keens’ Lola fourth after spinning on lap one. The Scratch Race for r,2oo-c.c. non-o.h.c. Sports Cars saw Derisley’s Lotus-Ford win comfortably and pass into the lead for the MoToR SPORT Brooklands Memorial Trophy, which contest he now leads by a single point from P. J. Dodd’s Lotus-Climax (two more rounds to go, on July 1st and September 16th). He averaged 79.21 m.p.h., lapped at 81.51 m.p.h., finishing 1.2 sec. in front of Oliver’s smart D.R.W.-Ford. Third place was close-fought, Sakal’s Lotus-Ford just keeping off Sumner’s Lotus-B.M.C.

The F.J. race was rather dull, after three cars had spun off at Madgwick immediately after the start. K. Lyons’ Lotus-Ford went out on his own to win at 88.72 m.p.h. Len Gibbs’ Lotus just stayed ahead of Murrell’s D.R.W.-Ford—another close finish. Fastest lap was made by McCowen, last year’s leading novice, at 90.19 m.p.h., but a push-start had disqualified his Lola. The unlimited sports-ears race over to laps produced a fine battle between the first four, Dickinson (Lola) beating Dodd (Lotus) by 0.2 sec., at 82.47 m.p.h., Beckwith (Lotus) third. Dangerfield’s aero-screen TR3 had no difficulty in winning the Marque Scratch Race at 75,1 m.p.h. and Bowman’s 1.h.d. roll-bar A.C.Bristol came through the field well to catch all except Marten’s Morgan Plus Four, which, lights on, drew away down the straights. Leueh’s TR2 shed its exhaust system. Pateras (A.C.), fourth, made fastest lap at 78.98 m.p.h.

Only 30 Sec. separated limit from scratch cars in the Closed Car Handicap, which Williams’ well-driven Sprite won at 74.15 m.p.h. from Minoprio’s A4o with Shorrock blower, twinfloat S.U. and radiator supplemented by a remote header tank. It handled well, too ! Chris Barber, to the jazz fans’ delight, brought his Elite, the ninth production, lightweight model home third, a second faster than Pores’ Elite. Mrs. Naylor’s new Elva Courier was off-colour and spun at Woodcote. The handicapper gave the three limit cars the next race, but Sumner’s Lotus pulled well away from Nicholson’s Austin Healey roo/6 which started with it, to win at 76.54 m.p.h.; Mockford in Sakal’s Lotus was third. Derisley jumped the start, confused by a re-handicap, and then ran out of petrol. Finally, as wind-swept rain lashed down, Oliver’s D.R.W. won the last handicap at 75.52 m.p.h. from White’s Sprite and Crostield’s twin-cam M.G., lapping at 77.84 m.p.h., was third.—W. B.