
For Kids, on Journeys

A little book, effective for amusing children on car journeys, has been issued by Railway World Ltd., 245, Cricklewood Broadway, London, N.W.2. Called “Highway Pastimes” and priced at 1s. it contains car numbers, car identification pictures, road signs, racing signal flags, race circuit diagrams, inn signs, road safety items, index and international letters, etc., with various games that can be played by observing such things. As far as the modern child concentrates on anything other than T.V. this book is an effective means of getting them to look at things outside the car and thus remain peaceful on a long journey.


Position in Motor Sport Brooklands Trophy Contest to June 6th

R. W. de Selincourt (Lotus, TR3). 13 points; J. H. Gaston (Austin-Healey Sprite). 11 points; L. J. Jecobsz (Lotus-Climax) and K. W. Mackenzie (Austin-Healey Sprite), 10 points; S. Chitty (Triumph TR3), C. J. Lawrence (Morgan Plus Four) and T. Maggs (Lotus-Climax), 7 points; J. L. Venner-Pack (Austin-Healey Sprite) and J. P. Williams (Lotus Elite), 5 points; S. J. C. Hill (Peerless), S. A. Hurrell (Triumph TR3), B. M. S. Levy (Austin A35), P. J. S. Lumsden (Lotus Elite). J. M. Mann (A.C. Ace-Bristol), Count Stephen Ouvaroff,’ (Willment-Climax), A. B. Rees (Lotus-Climax) and D. Wagner (G.S.M.-Dart), 4 points each.