Shelsley Walsh Hill-Climb


The second round of the R.A.C. Hill-Climb Championship at Shelsley Walsh went to David Boshier Jones once again. He leads the Championship with 20 points from David Good and Tony Marsh who both have 17 points.

The Midland A.C. have carried out a number of improvements at Shelsley Walsh, the most important of which is the resurfacing of the hill. Unfortunately, June 14 was one of the hottest days of the year and the tar began to melt at an early hour making fast climbs very difficult. The only record to go was the ladies, Patsy Burt improving her own time to 38.72 sec. in her F.2 Cooper.

The ten competitors for the Championship were very evenly matched, all of them beating 40 sec. but very few getting below 39. Douglas Hull set the ball rolling in his 2-litre E.R.A. with 39.94 and the times gradually decreased on the first runs until David Good made an immaculate 37.7 in his Cooper followed by Tony Marsh who could only manage 38.05 in his modified Lotus which is now known as a Motus, thus qualifying as a Shelsley Special. Boshier-Jones was last to run and he did not disappoint the large crowd, returning 37.28 in a very fast, smooth and unspectacular run controlling slides on the sticky and stony surface with apparent ease. In the second runs practically everyone improved their times, Marsh bringing his down to 37.74, although Good did not improve on his 37.7. In the last run of the day Boshier-Jones bettered his own time with a run of 36.96 to put the issue well and truly beyond doubt. Dick James was placed fourth, Dick Henderson fifth and Patsy Burt a commendable sixth.

The only incident with any consequences happened when N. Jackson spun on the top left-hander and crashed into the bank, damaging the front off-side wheel. The car was quickly repaired and soon on its wheels.

In the sports classes, R. Fielding was very fast in his well maintained sports Cooper-Climax, winning his class with a time of 40.44 sec. G. Wilson won the 1,500 to 2,500 c.c. class in his white A.C. Ace-Bristol with a very clean, quiet and fast run of 41.52. The over 2,500 c.c. sports cars were at a disadvantage on the slippery hill and Phillip Scragg who won the class in his H.W.M.-Jaguar could only manage 42.38. Sidney Allard [Correct spelling: Sydney Allard] was second with a run of 42.97.

This 63rd Shelsley Walsh hill-climb was interesting if not always exciting, although the three commentators would have had us believe that each and every run was a series of uncontrolled slides.M.L.T.