BOOK REVIEWS, July 1958, July 1958


” ‘The Autocar ‘ Road Teets-1958.” 127 pp., 11 5/8 in. by 8¾ in. soft covers (Iliffe & Sons, Ltd., Dorset House, Stamford Street, London, S.E.1. 7s. 6d.)

After issuing an interim reprint of their road-tests last winter, The Autocar returns with a spring edition containing full reprints of 33 tests of British Continental and American cars. This book, which costs but 7s. 6d., is a most fascinating collection of facts and pictures, forming an invaluable reference work. The tests range from Fiat 500 to Dodge Custom Royal and embrace such fast machinery as the Jaguar Mark VIII, Mercedes-Benz 190SL, Lancia, Aurelia Gran Turismo 2500, and Aston Martin Mark III, while reports on the remarkable Volvo PV444 Sports, Wolseley 1500, Riley One-Point-Five, Sunbeam Rapier, Jensen 541R and Alexander-tuned Hillman Minx are of the greatest interest.

The reports are supplemented by explanatory tables, tabulated data and an index. It is noted that the fastest car of the 33 tested was the Aston Martin, which clocked 120 m.p.h., the most economical the Fiat 500, which returned up to 61 m.p.g. and the most accelerative the Dodge Custom Royal, which was timed to devour a s.s. quarter-mile in 16.6 sec. This is a welcome reference work amongst a welter of lesser publications.—W.B.

So many motoring books are being published that we make no excuse for referring to “Book Design and Production,” a quarterly publication (annual subscription 35s.), issued by Printing News, Ltd., 110, Fleet Street, E.C.4. Some publishers of motoring books might do themselves a power of good by studying it !

In answer to many enquiries, we understand that The Motor Year Book will not be published for 1958.