
In response to the very heavy demand, a further half-million copies of Dunlop’s Road Safety game for children have been sent by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents to road safety committees throughout the country for distribution to schools. Over 600,000 copies have already been used since the game was introduced early last year, and it is interesting to note that the number of child road deaths in 1957 dropped to the lowest total yet recorded.

The game is a cut-out plan giving the layout in pictures of a town, with shops, houses and criss-cross streets. There are 24 blank spaces and an equal number of pictures to be cut out and pasted in them telling children of the things they should and should not do. The back cover carries a number of helpful suggestions for group study. We can vouch for the efficiency of the Dunlop game, having just had a peaceful Saturday morning while our youngest daughter studiously completed one.—W. B.