
In connection with recent references to Trojans we dropped two minor clangers. Miss Woodhouse, who spoke at the Trojan D.C. dinner, tested Trojans not 50 but 30 years ago ! In is letter from the late Service Manager of Trojan Ltd. we quoted Trojans hired out to T.A. units as hauling a couple of field-guns. In fact, they used to haul one gun and a limber each, two guns being rather much, even for a Trojan.

The Singer Owners’ Club has introduced a vintage section. Several members have suitable Singers, such as Juniors, Seniors, and Tens, both s.v. and o.h.v.

Veteran cars are invited to compete in a Safe Driving Rally at Bexhill, starting and finishing front the sea-front, on September 20th. Entries close on September 13th. Details from P. Evenden, 39, St. Leonards Road, Bexhill. Sussex.

Still they are unearthed ! In a garage of a large house near Kidderminster a 1925 14/40 Sunbeam saloon has been discovered after trees which had been grown in front of the garage doors where the car has been hibernating since 1930 had been cut down (see picture on page 466). And in Durham a reader has found in a barn a Star tourer of circa 1921 vintage which he intends to restore to Concours d’Elegance condition. Any advice about these cars, and where spares are obtainable, will be appreciated.

It seems possible that an early Maxwell and circa 1926 Wolseley, once the property of the late Sir Henry Peto, may still be in a shed behind a garage in Somerset, where his Austin Twenty limousine was in use as a taxi at least up to 1953.

The next V.S.C.C. Silverstone Race Meeting will include a 50-kilo. All Comers’ Scratch Race, the entertaining Light Car Handicap and the usual 5-lap races. The date is July 26th.

Traction Engine enthusiasts will welcome the E. Anglican Rally at Thetford, Norfolk, on July 12th. There should be some splendid engines there, possibly with emphasis on Burrell, of which Thetford was the home.

On July 5th old cars will form the mainstay of the rally and procession in the Monmouth Festival.

Trojans ? Since our articles on the Trojan was published some of these cars have come to light. They include a chassis in very good mechanical order standing in the open in Sussex, a not-quite-complete tourer in Buckinghamshire, a rather sad tourer in a tumbledown barn near Chipping Norton and a van in Wales. Alas, some of the vendors seem disinclined to agree with our recent suggestion that a tenner is quite enough to pay for a working Trojan.

The V.C.C. of South Africa is planning perhaps the most ambitious old-car rally yet held. This is scheduled to assume “Monte Carlo” proportions, occupying five days from October 20th-24th. From four starting points competitors, driving cars built before 1931, divided into pre-1910, 1911-17 and 1918-30 classes, will converge on Durban. Here a grand parade will take place in which modern cars will mingle with the old vehicles, after which a Concours d’Elegance will be held on the Beach front. Details from : C. E. M. Hoare. 1-7, Belmont, S. Beach, Durban.

Beside a Catholic Church in Surrey an Edwardian Perry light car appears to be in process of restoration.