
A Ford Anglia, driven by R. Stead and P. Moore, and a Ford Escort, driven by J. Cooke and D. Keeping, attempted to average. 50 m.p.h. from London (Westminster Bridge) to Rome. in connection with a display of British cars in the latter city. Such “records” are great fun but are apt to be frowned on if indulged in too frequently and over-publicised. We have not heard if, in fact, these Fords achieved their objective, for which J. Lyons & Co. Ltd., who supplied the drivers with frozen foods, claim a “world motoring record.” Apparently it was hoped to beat Ian Appleyard’s Rome-London |record” on the return journey.

Another recent stunt, organised by a Vauxhall dealer, concerned nine Vauxhall Victor owners who drove from Sheffield to Luton, checking consumption of B.P. Super on this 143-mile run, for which an average speed of 37 m.p.h. Had to be maintained. Coasting was forbidden. The winner achieved 42½ m.p.g., the runner-up 42.1 m.p.g.