Motor Racing Marshals Club


A Committee of representatives of some of the leading sporting motor clubs in the country has met many times to discuss Motor Racing Marshals Club business. The Committee at present consists of twelve members.

Club Secretaries may be interested to know that the above organisation is now “open for business,” and in this connection one of its aims is to assist upon request any club responsible for running an R.A.C. or A.C.U. permitted event.

The Register of Members records each member’s classification according to his or her experience in vatious duties at each class of event, and lists include ambulance drivers, commentators, course marshals, doctors, observers, paddock marshals, fire marshals, flag marshals, interpreters (French, Belgian and German), lap scorers, photographers, pit marshals, radio operators, runners, scoreboard operators, scrutineers, sector marshals, start area marshals, telephonists, timekeepers, etc., all with race experience which varies from Grand Prix to Closed Club events.

In addition the club has a limited number of “novice volunteers” of the right types, who are prepared to carry out any suitable duty allocated to them, but who will not be placed on “trackside” duties until suitably trained and qualified.

Membership is open to all those who perform official duties at motor sporting events in the United Kingdom and a limited number of novice volunteers can be accepted. These latter must be prepared, for a season or two, to accept any duty allocated to them — as are all our members — and to work in company with one of our senior officials.

Club Secretaries, Chief Marshals and intending members should apply for full information to J. D. Bannister, Hon. Organising Secretary, The British Motor Racing Marshals Club, ” Beechwood,” Alsager, Stoke-on-Trent.