American Vintage Sports Car Club Formed


The formation of the American Vintage Sports Car Club was announced recently after a series of preliminary meetings in New York. This club has been formed to fill an existing gap in the organisations of old automobile enthusiasts by providing a sponsoring group for competition with vintage sports cars.

The club will hold events for cars in the following categories: Class 1, sports cars up to 1915; Class 2, sports cars from 1916 to 1930; Class 3, sports cars from 1931 to 1942; Class 4, race cars over 15 years old.

The inspiration of this club was in the Anglo-American Vintage Car Rallies held in England in 1954 and in the United States in April of 1957, when teams of British and American vintage sports cars competed for a trophy offered by the Royal Automobile Club and for other awards. The address of the club is: American Vintage Sports Car Club, 184, East 93rd Street, New York, N.Y.