

Iliffe & Sons, Dorset Hse., Stamford Street, S.E.1, have reprinted from The Autocar a series of articles, “Methods of the Experts,” covering many aspects of the art of driving (30 pp., 113/5 . in. by 83/10 in., soft covers, 2s. 6d.).


National Benzole Company Ltd. have issued No. 4 of their series, “Our National Heritage.’ This is a particularly interesting edition covering in words and pleasing pictures the few remaining skilled trades operating in this country. Copies are obtainable from Wellington Hse., Buckingham Gate, London, S.W.1, on mentioning Motor Sport.


The Michelin Guide to the French Riviera, or Cote d’Azur, which covers comprehensively almost every aspect of its subject, maps included, plus some delightful illustrations, can now be obtained in an English edition, from the News Chronicle Book Department, 12-22, Bouverie Street, E.C.4, at 12s. 6d.


Anyone who makes considerable use of Dover for departure to the Continent and those who do so only occasionally will want to read “The Gateway of England,” by Rivers Scott or, if they do not care for history, will enjoy the very many excellent pictures the book contains of the harbour and the ships that use it. You might get a copy from the General Manager, Harbour House, Dover — if you mention this mention.