Recent Results


Rhyl & Dist. M.C. Mid-Summer Rally


Blomfield Trophy: E Edwards (VW) “Clean sheet.”

Jaguar Trophy (navigator’s award): Mrs. Edwards.

First-Class Awards: J. H. N. Wood (VW) (navigator, J. B. Auld), Dr. J. Cox (VW) (navigator, Keith Leckie), and J. D. Romain (1938 Wolseley) (navigator, Capt. M. Tasker) — all with “clean sheets.”


Trehearn Cup: M. Kaye (M.G. Magnette) “Clean sheet.”

M. P. Rutt Trophy (navigator’s award): Miss A. Jones.

First Class Awards: S. M. Lamb (Standard) (navigator, W. F. Sinclair). lost 30 points; W. Waine (Renault) (navigator. J. Glynne Jones), lost 85 points; and Lt. J. Smith (Land Rover) (navigator, Lt. P. Amos), lost 130 points.


Cemian M.C. Social Run (May 26th)

Winner: Brian Norman (Austin A40).

Runner-up: Ken Gregory (Hillman Rapier).


B.A.R.C. Firle Hill-Climb (June 2nd)

Class A (Saloons up to 1,300 c.c.): R. Shaw (Abarth/Fiat) 38.08 sec.

Class B (Saloons up to 1,600 c.c.): R. P. Heatley (Ford) 36.40 sec.

Class C (Saloons up to 2,000 c.c.): No entry.

Class D (Saloons up to 2,600 c.c.): E. M. Wadsworth (Healey) 34.40 sec.

Class E (Saloons over 2,600 c.c.): R. P. Odoni (Ford) 33.44 sec.

Class F (Sports Cars up to 1,300 c.c.): F. W. Marriott (Lotus) 28.07 sec.

Class G (Sports Cars up to 1,600 c.c.): M. Hughes (Porsche) 31.91 sec.

Class H (Sports Cars up to 2,000 c.c.): J. B. Rudd (Frazer-Nash) 28.61 sec.

Class J (Sports Cars up to 2,600 c.c.): M. Salmon (Jaguar) 28.41 sec.

Class K (Bentley Cars up to 3,500 c.c.): No entry.

Class L (Bentley Cars up to 5,000 c.c.): G. H. G. Burton (Bentley) 29.29 sec.

Class O (Racing Cars, any capacity): R. Truscott (Cooper) 26.82 sec.

Fastest Time of Day: G. Parker (Jaguara) 26.73 sec.

Ladies’ Award: Mrs. Walton-Jones


Marconi A.C. Driving Tests (June 16th)

The Marconi A.C. held a “closed” driving-test event on Sunday, June 16th, at Rivenhall Airfield. A special award for the novice who made the best time of the day was won by R. J. Matthews driving a Triumph TR2. The best performance of the day was put up by E. J. Hatchett driving a Standard Eight.

Class Winners

Class I: B. Foreman (Morris Minor).

Class II: N. Cohen (Hillman Minx).

Class III: R. C. Ridout (Ford Consul).

Class IV: J. E. Cole (Ford Zephyr).

Class V: C. W. Vigar (M.G.).

Class VI:  B. Foreman (Triumph TR2).

Class VII: Miss D. Freeman (Wilson Ford Special).

Team Award: Team No. 5. “The Greenhorns” — F. H. Steele (Ford Anglia), J. Armstrong (TR2) and M. I. Akehurst (TR2).


North London E.C.C. Radcap Rally

Best Performance: L. de Meza (Ford Zephyr II).

Best Navigator: D. M. Pratt.

Best Open:  R. Randall (F. A. Freeman) (M.G. MCA).

Best Closed: P. F. Steiner (P. M. Treadgold) (Fiat TV).

First-Class Awards:. A. K. Hirst (D. Hayes) (Standard Ten), R. A. Brightman (F. Lee) (Jaguar Mk. VII) and T. H. Neilson (E. E. Neilson) (Standard Vanguard).

Second-Class Awards: J. Stokes (Ford), E. L. Hine (Triumph TH2) and P. D. Sapsed (Jaguar 2.4).

Best Team: L. de Meza and P. F. Steiner.



Hagley and D.L.C.C.

The Hagley and District Light Car Club have acquired the lease of a new sprint course on land at the Chateau Impney, near Droitwich, and will hold their first meeting, for racing and sports cars, on Sunday, September 29th.

Set in the beautiful parkland surrounding the Chateau Impney, the 800-yd. long course will have excellent spectator facilities. Club officials estimate that 20,000 people will be able to watch the racing in comfort, the majority of them being accommodated on high ground overlooking a major portion of the course.

The course itself will be a grand test of both driver and machine. After an initial straight of about 100 yd. there is a fast left-hander which swiftly comes into a natural chicane over a stone bridge. Another short straight is followed by another sweeping left-hand bend and just before the finishing line there is a 90 deg. right-hander.

At the start of the course, just off the main Droitwich-Bromsgrove road, about a mile from Droitwich, there will be ample parking space and a large paddock. There will be two public entrances and admittance will be free. However, a charge will be made for car parking. Secretary of the club is G. I. Tucker, 115, Bewdley Hill, Kidderminster, Worcs.


Southport M.C.

The Southport Motor Club held a navigation rally on Sunday, June 2nd, over a course of 90 miles. Map references which were used nearly throughout the rally took competitors round Parbold, Chorley, Longridge and Preston. The event, which started from Kew Woods, Southport, finished at Hoole, near Preston.

1st: J. Anderson (Austin A40).

2nd: B. Parr (M.G. TA).