Club News, July 1953



Betty Haig, noticing an M.G. Magnette referred to in a MOTOR SPORT advertisement as a “special, similar to Betty Haig’s.” hastens to assure us that her NE Magnette, one of a team of six run in the Ulster T.T. and the actual car which won in 1934 in the hands of Charlie Dodson, is not a special but is carefully maintained in original condition, except that the engine has been bored out to 1,422 c.c., and the body is that put on when Dargue and Hasendonk owned the M.G. Technically the car is quite different from an NA Magnette.

All of which reminds us that the M.G. Magnette Register is decidedly getting into its stride. The Secretary is N. J. Nicholls, 5, Ludlow Way, N.2.

The Bentley D.C. elected 58 new members in the March-June quarter. Shell have issued an illustrated folder (3738) describing their activities in the field of gas turbine lubrication. A plastics car body was shown at the British Plastics Exhibition and Convention at Olympia last month. The Bristol M.C. and L.C.C. veteran car run, which usually embraces an excellent and lengthy route, will take place on July 25th, followed by a buffet supper and film show.

Crowthorne Motors have a 4 1/2-litre Invicta, G.P. 812, engine 6ESC, No. 7437, chassis number S 62, and wish to trace whether it is the car raced at Brooklands and elsewhere by A. C. Lace.



The white cap worn by George Abecassis, H.W.M. driver and co-creator, is well known. Now we see him in an advertisement standing beside a DB2, with the caption above his head: “Hat by Madge Chard.” On second thoughts, could this refer to the headgear worn by Miss June Bert, the lucky lady who has been motoring with George on this notable occasion ? And does this recall the saying “Where’s George ?”



Competitors in motoring events benefit in the long run by being conversant with the latest rules and regulations, and are well advised to keep a dossier of them. Recent R.A.C. publications which should be filed for reference include :-

(a) Regulations for vehicles taking part in trials and rallies and R.A.C. Trials Car National Formula.

(b) Regulations governing the British Hill-Climb Championship, 1953 (which will be decided at Bo’ness, Rest-and-Be-Thankful, Bouley Bay, Craigantlet, Shelsley Walsh, and Prescott).

(c) Trials Car National Formula Tyre Regulations.

(d) List of R.A.C. Timekeepers, 1953.

(e) List of R.A.C. Scrutineers and Assistant Scrutineers, 1953.

(f) Regulations governing Re-treaded and Re-moulded tyres in racing and speed events, and list of approved re-treads and re-moulds.

These publications are obtainable from the R.A.C., Competitions Dept., Pall Mall, London, S.W.1.



The Mercédès-Benz Club will hold a Concours d’Elegance and anniversary dinner on July 4th at the Bull Hotel, Gerrards Cross, Bucks. The Concours d’Elegance will be divided into classes for pre-1914, vintage, models 130-230, models 260-380 and 500N-770 Mercédès-Benz cars. It will commence at 3 p.m. Hon. Sec.: R. H. Johnson, Chequer Trees, Limpley Stoke, near Bath, Somerset.