

Coronation Year is touring-year and to mark this two useful maps of Britain have reached our offices. One is the Daily Express “Roadfinder.” the chief feature of which is that it covers Britain in zones based on the Ministry of Transport’s method of zoning and road numbering. This enables the user to dispense with long lists of town names on his route, as only road numbers need he noted. The Daily Express map measures 40 in. by 23 in., is printed in six colours on strong cartridge paper, covers England, Scotland and Wales, and folds neatly into a 10 1/2 in. by 5 in. manilla case. This case carries an index of hundreds of towns by map reference, zone number and main road connections. Such numbering is amended up to April 1st, 1953. The reverse of the map carries 44 through-way town plans, showing one-way streets, traffic lights, level crossings and other hazards to ensure a temper-free passage, There is an at-a-glance pictorial guide to 50 places of historic interest. A good map, this, for 2s. 6d.

The other map of Britain, inclusive of Northern Ireland, is that by Michelin. It is to a scale of 14 miles to one inch and has place names very clearly printed. It is keyed to indicate exactly what the roads are like, noting width, wiggles and gradients thereby. There are inserts of important towns to a scale of four and six miles to the inch. and a tyre-pressure guide. This map costs 3s. 6d. and is on unbacked paper, with stiff cover, and, just as the Michelin zig-zag-tread tyre is a very good tyre indeed, so is this another very good Michelin map. The Daily Express map is obtainable from the Daily Express Offices, Fleet Street, E.C.4, and the Michelin map from 81 Fulham Road. S.W.3. – W. B.



Meccano Ltd. have commenced to add racing-car replicas to their well-known range of “Dinky” scale toy cars. The Cooper-Bristol and Maserati are eagerly sought by collectors and it is politic to purchase two of each so that one can be given to Junior to keep him or her quiet! It is also interesting to discover that the Paris branch makes “Dinky” replicas of the racing Lago-Talbot, 11BL Citroën, Ford Vedette, Peugeot 203, Simca Eight Sport, 2CV Citroën, and Simca Aronde. Although foreign currency still needs to be conserved by Britishers touring abroad, we expect many will decide to spare a little with which to purchase these excellent models, which are not obtainable here. The Liverpool works also have some new “Dinkys” in hand. – W.B.


Club Affairs

A. H. Davies-Holmes is Secretary of the London Area of the Wolseley Hornet Special Club. His address is 39, Norton Road, Wembley, Middlesex. Meetings take place at the “Derby Arms,” East Sheen, every first Thursday evening.

The title of the Mid-Cheshire C.C. has been changed to that of Mid-Cheshire M.C. The Club is being reformed into a company limited by guarantee. The Club’s headquarters is The White Barn Hotel, Cuddington, near Northwich. The Hon. Sec. is R. B. Dawson, 215, Chester Road, Hartford, Northwich.

The Rhyl and Dist. M.C.’s standard car trial of July 11th will be replaced by a closed rally over a distance of about 150 miles.

The Hon. Secretary of the Sussex Car and Motor Cycle Club is now: W. H. Edwards, 57, Greenways Crescent, Shoreham. The Club’s headquarters has been changed to the Southwick Community Centre, Southwick Street, Southwick.