Cutting Down Expenditure!



I have been very interested in the articles on the 1908 Grand Prix Austins, and “Further Evidence” in your January issue recalls to my mind the following incident.

In the early days of motoring in Tasmania a well-known Launceston medico of those days purchased three single, cylinder chain-driven Cadillacs. These three cars were all as alike as two peas, all being painted the same shade of red, and, in 1909, when the registration and licensing of motor vehicles became compulsory in Tasmania, the doctor hit upon the idea of registering one car only.

Upon being allotted the registration number 64 he proceeded to have this number painted on the back and front of all three cars. As never more than one car was in use at any one time the authorities were none the wiser and only those of us who were closely associated with him knew his secret.

It seems possible that Lord Austin could have done the same thing, although from the evidence this does not appear probable. Incidentally the doctor never had another car, these three Cadillacs lasting him until the end of his days.

It is very difficult to say which part of your publication is the most interesting, the advertisements alone being worth the subscription.                                              

                                                                                     I am, Yours, etc.,

                                                                                                   G. W. FYSH.
