Those Competition Licences



I wish to draw your attention to the remarks made about ourselves in an article describing the South African National Championship Hill-Climb, under the heading “Reports of Recent Events” in your issue of February, 1950.

The remarks which we are concerned with read as follows: “It seems that the R.A.C.’s intention to issue licences from Cape Town is causing disquiet, as robbing local clubs, whose sole revenue was gained from the issue of such licences and racing numbers –sounds familiar somehow!”

My Committee wishes me to inform you that these remarks bear no relation to the facts and that they are completely without foundation.

For your information Competitors’ and Drivers’ Licences have always been issued by the R.A.C.’s head office in Cape Town and the fees have always been collected by ourselves. Licences for motor-cycle competitors are issued by local Motor-Cycle Unions and the fees are collected and retained by them. The issue of racing numbers has never been controlled by the R.A.C. and we have no intention of exercising such control.

We have approached the Natal clubs and the Natal Motor-Cycle Union on this matter and they are unable to say how or where these remarks originated from and they agree with us that they are entirely without foundation.

                                                                                           I am, Yours, etc.,

                                                                                                    A. W. COTTRILL, Secretary,

National Competitions Committee, Royal Automobile Club of South Africa.