Spare Our Blushes



I think that there is due to our leading motoring press the congratulations and thanks of many thousands of motorists for the part that the press has played in obtaining a remission of petrol rationing. We do appreciate the good work that is being put in on our behalf by the motoring press, and I am sure that I speak for many thousands when I offer to you, Sir, our gratitude.

Now there comes the next tussle–to obtain a standard licence. May we, the motoring public, put in a strong plea to you to use your great influence to obtain for us a fair licence for all classes of cars. It is certainly hard on us users of older types of cars to be penalised by a 25s. hp. tax, whereas the possessors of newer cars are only called on to pay £10 per annum. We, the motoring public, look to you to fight our battle for us, as you have done to obtain free petrol once again.

                                                                                              I am, Yours, etc.,

                                                                                                    H. Marshall, Director.

                                                                                                       G. T. Foulis & co., Ltd.