


I was most interested to read the article on the subject of the old 8-litre Bentley in your February issue. I am the owner of one of these cars and I was not aware that it was becoming such a “museum piece.” The car is in regular use—and serves me very well. As you appear to have the records of many of the remnants of this famous vintage, I thought you might like to add mine to your list :—

Reg. No. GO 4409, chassis No. YR 5092 ; 13 ft. wheelbase, close-coupled saloon by H. J. Mulliner. I have the record of the car’s “life” from Messrs. Bentley Motors, Ltd., and the original instruction book!

It is in every way a wonderful motor car, but is designed for the open road rather than running round town; parking, alone, presents a problem!

                                                                                   I am, Yours, etc.,

Liverpool,                                                                                        H. H. P. ROWLAND.