Horror -- with a difference


Just prior to leaving for Molsheim and Unterturkheim before going on to Italy, Austria and Czechoslovakia  “Bunty” Scott-Moncrieff sent us a copy of his latest paper-backed book of short horror stories, “Not for the Squeamish”.  We had not troubled to read fiction of this kind, not even a good detective story, for years and years, but we occupied ourselves with this really horrible book by “Bunty” on a recent journey in a British Railways conveyance. For “Bunty” tells a story as well as he writes his inimitable travel articles, and into some of them has introduced, as minor characters, cars such as a 1904 Mercedes, “Alpine Eagle” Rolls-Royce utility, 40-h.p. F.I.A.T., Bugatti and Healey. Those who like to encompass everything of sporting-motoring-interest in their libraries may care to note that this little book costs 1s. 9d., post free, from Background Book, Ltd., 24-26, Blackfriars Lane, E.C.4.