

I was interested in Mr. John Bolster’s article “Rolls-Royce Reflections.” It would be nice if, for example, Mr. Hutton Stott would give us a similar article on the 1919-31 Lanchester.

I could supplement, if required, with a few details about the three I have owned, and with a few items from my Laachester scrap-book. I am, Yours, etc.,

Godmanston, W. STUART BEST. Dorset. [After sports cars, we agree that a great deal of interest attaches to British luxury cars of an era before pressed-tin predominated. We shall be delighted to devote a page or so to the “Forty,” ” Twenty-One ” and ” Straight-Eight ” Lanchesters if Mr. Hutton-Stott or Mr. Best will oblige.—ED.]