Club News, July 1945



Mr. Sheppard is building up quite a fleet of 2-cylinder Renault cars for future

veteran events, and also possesses a 1910 Model-T Ford. Haining is disposing of his rebuilt 1928 “12/50 ” Alvis and is completing another, based on a 1931 T.J. chassis. Meanwhile, his 1925 ” 12/50 ” Alvis motors as well as ever. F/Lt. C. M. Tait, who owned a 1987 14-litre Riley ” Kestrel ” before the war, is anxious to acquire a 12-h.p. sports car, and would exchange, or sell for £80, a new Myford M.L.4 84-in. B.G.S.C. lathe, with all accessories and motor countershaft, on the principle that a car is easier to move than a lathe each time he is posted. He mentions that he took motor-racing pictures before the war and has an excellent full-plate enlargement of Craig’s ” 8.8 ” G.P. Bugatti’s engine, taken at Wetherby. He once owned a very special ” T.T. Replica” Scott, built for him by Harry Longman, and he is now assembling a 172-c.c. Super Sports Francis Barnett as a standby. F/O. Morgan called to see us recently in a J4 M.G. from which the supercharged engine had been removed and replaced by a twin carburetter “Special Series” Riley Nine engine and gearbox unit. A Wolseley Twelve crown and pinion are used to raise the axle ratio, but the car is still under-geared, notwithstanding which it motors very nicely. Morgan has also been motoring a 3-litre Bentley.

Denys Axel Berg has exchanged his open Riley Nine for a sports-bodied ” 14/40 ” Vauxhall, as stable companion to his “80/988.” A well-preserved 1903 single-cylinder Wolseley, with very short wheelbase and very high windscreen, is reported in a dry barn near Stratford-onAvon, for sale for £50, and for the same sum the 1903 Vinot, which the Mayor of Stratford used to drive in the Brighton Run, was offered for disposal, while a 1905 Mors was recently sold in Kidderminster for £60. Dr. Gerald A. Ewen is using a Morris Eight for professional purposes, but is rebuilding a very nice 1926 D.I.S.S. ” 14/40 ” Delage cloverleaf 8-seater. He is an enthusiast for these cars, having had this example since 1934, and having had personal experience of four others and casual acquaintance with about ten more. A derelict” Blue Label” 3-litre Bentley, acquirable for the proverbial ” fiver ” they do say, is reported near Chester. We are very glad to. learn, from Peter Hampton, that earlier reports were false, and that Richard Shakespeare is alive and well, with the C.M.F. He has registered his Mors, Enfield-Alldays and Gregoire cars with the Veteran Car Club and intends to compete in their post-war events. Incidentally, the “basic “ration will permit of the exercising of the veterans, and any member of the Veteran C.C. who has been out of touch, and who

hasn’t registered his car, should write to the new hon. secretary, Capt. Cullimore Allen, Wootten, Miley, Oxford. Kenneth Neve brought himself up on racing motor-cycles, and is tough. For motoring to and from business his elderly Austin Seven has been replaced by a 1988 Riley Nine saloon, but by the time these words appear this will probably have been banished in favour of an open car. Neve has also acquired the ex-Dr. Beaver, exAnthony Brooke ” 30/98 ” Vauxhall, which he considers will constitute a “nice brisk tourer.” He badly needs certain engine spares, if anyone knows of a source of supply. A promising-looking 44-litre Bentley chassis is reported at a garage near Hull, and a 1928 ” Brooklands ” Riley Nine was for sale at a Yorkshire R.A.F. station at the end of May. Soon after VE-Day we learned that MOTOR SPORT was reaching members of the B.L.A. in Germany. Capt. A. J. Fletcher, R.A., has acquired one of the last 2-litre Lagondas to be built (a 1988 car), and sends a ” 12/50 ” Alvis book to the Library. He knows of nearly complete ” 12/50″ and “Firefly ” Alvis engines, if anyone is interested. Cpl. C. V. Rawles, M.E.F., is anxious to fit a good engine into a Vale-Special, and would Le glad to hear of one of these cars and to receive advice about fitting another make of engine. DIM. Trevor Gillard, of the 750 Club, and now with C.M.F., sends an interesting account of the two special Austin Sevens be had before the

war. He would like a ” Brooklands ” Riley or an Alta after the war and intends to build a sprint Austin Seven.

F/Lt. R. E. Tongue is looking forward to again racing his 1989 14-litre Maserati, which is carefully stored. He has a son, seven weeks old, and his wife is very keen on the Sport. Tongue went through the Battle of Britain, and later went to Africa as a test pilot—but says he prefers fast motoring on land. Edward Hyde is disposing of his Lancia ” Aprilia ” for a 828 B.M.W. Julian Fall has been riding a Velocette, pending leaving for Burma. Boddy has become ” basic ” conscious and motors in a 1934 Austin Seven saloon, offset by a 1928 “Grand Sport” Amilcar. A very sound 8th Series Lancia ” Lambda ” has appeared in London, and Birkett has a” Dilambda ” for disposal. A 1914 15.9 Singer and an 11.6 Albert have been found in a barn near Stamford.


Norman Freeman, of Dunlops, has told us that synthetic rubber tyres will not stand up satisfactorily to the stress of racing and that his company will not be able to make natural rubber racing tyres until the needs of the fighting forces have been fully met. Now we learn that America has carried out some tests to see how synthetic covers like racing speeds. Wilbur Shaw has driven a racing car round Indianapolis on standard Firestone

synthetic tyres for 500 miles, averaging 100.34 m.p.h., which meant reaching 135 m.p.h. along the straights. Shaw is said to have experienced no trouble. Now this raises a number of issues. It reminds us that whereas at present we have no Brooklands, America has Indianapolis intact. It makes us wonder what our Ministry of Fuel and Power would have said had Dunlops asked for 50 gallons of special fuel for similar tests.

We are prompted to ask what British experts have to say about this, in view of Mr. Freeman’s statements. Possibly they will answer, as we would ourselves, that any standard tyre which will withstand 500 miles at an average of over 100 m.p.h. sounds almost too good to be true.


The Editor asks the indulgence of all those readers—there are many, very many !—–who consider that he owes them a reply to correspondence. His explanation is that he has only very limited spare time to devote to Moroit SPORT, as he is still obliged to work full time on war service. While he greatly regrets having to leave much undone which would normally be done, he hopes the many enthusiasts who correspond with him will understand ; he gains some consolation from the fact that a weekly contemporary, with a staff of several persons working full time, has had to announce that it cannot answer any queries from readers until its full staff is restored to it. MOTOR SPORT answers a great many letters and does its best to return readers’ photographs, unused MSS., etc., but there is a limit. You can help by always enclosing

a stamped envelope if a reply is sought, and by remembering that business matters are Outside the Editor’s scope. His address is 123, Bilton Lane, Harrogate.


Since we re-introduced cover pictures early in the war, old blocks have been used to assist production under war conditions, as the older readers will have remarked. This practice will have to he continued for some while yet, but, to celebrate the end of the German war and the return of “basic,’ we are making an exception this month. Tim Davis is shown during practice for the 1935 500Mile Race at Brooklands, with his singleseater Frazer-Nash, in the Paddock, on the Friday before the race. The spectators are not watching a Vi!


The Veteran Car Club is holding its A.G.M., followed by a luncheon and film show, at the Waldorf Hotel, Aldwych, London, on July 21st, lunch being at 1.15 p.m. Guests can be taken to the lunch and . film show and tickets, at 13s. 6d. per head, are available from F. Hutton-Stott, Speen Place, Newbury, Berks, up to July 11th. The June issue of the Gazette is to hand and maintains its usual standard.


The Watford Club is holding a rally type of event on August Bank Holiday-and we believe Anthony Heal has some of his veterans on view elsewhere that

day. Certainly—things are beginning to move !


The AIOTOR SPORT Library of Instruction Books is in great demand. Recent additions cover 12-h.p. British Salmson, “

14/40″ DISS Delage, Essex Six, rearengined Trojan, D-type Vauxhall Light Six, Morris ” Isis,” 12-11.p. Rover “Pilot,” Rover Light Six, ,bull-nose Morris, etc. It has become what it is by reason of the generosity of readers. Thanks !


The Vintage Sports Car Club of Australia, which, by the way, has excellently headed notepaper bearing pictures of ” 30/98 ” Vauxhall, blower Bentley and Bugatti cars, held a rally on March 28th, and before that actually ran a trial. Membership now stands at 37, the cars comprising Mercedes-Crossley, FrazerNash-A.C., Austin Special, two s.c. f.w.d. Alvis, “Speed Six” Bentley, “Prince Henry ” Vauxhall 2-seater, two Salmsons, Type 40 Bugatti, Type 135 Delahaye, “Blue Label” 3-litre Bentley, StrakerSquire, 1914 Buick, two S.S., “Silver Ghost” Rolls-Royce, twin o.h.c. 8-litre Sunbeam, sports Austin Seven, “Red Label ” 3-litre Bentley, Aston-Martin “International,” Vulcan Lea-Francis, Riley ” Imp,” ” Boulogne ” Frazer-Nash, ” 14/40 ” Vauxhall, V8 Ford, Meadows’ Frazer-Nash, a third Salmson, and nine ” 30/98 ” Vauxhalls. The latter comprise OE 235, OE 138. OE 226, OE 238, OE 270, OE 1078, OE 32, OE 197 and OE 124 with 125 engine. Owners of ” Hyper ” Lea-Francis, ” 21/70 ” Alfa

Romeo, Lancia “Lambda,” Type 43 Bugatti, and Mettalurgique are being contacted.


Regular meetings are being held on the last Thursday of every month at the Sydenham Palace, Ford Street. Last My, 26 members and friends travelled to Leicester to inspect Gerard’s collection of potent Rileys. Hon. secretary, W. Rheese, 42, Brookside Avenue, Coventry.


The Bugatti Owners’ Club held its A.G.M. at the R.A.C. on Thursday, May 31st. Eric Giles read the minutes of the previous A.G.M. and K. W. Bear took the chair, Lemon Burton and Baines representing. the Council. The officers of the club were re-elected and a new member was admitted, on the strength of owning one of the model electric Bugatti cars. The business of the meeting was quickly disposed of, and a cable was despatched to Col. G. M. Giles, who is serving abroad, wishing him a speedy return.

Future meetings were discussed, and the secretary reported that Prescott could be put into good order in about two months and a really good job could be made of repairing the pot-holes and making up the return road, etc., for 11,000. Compensation from the Army had already been received. No competitions could be held until the R.A.C. gave the word “Go,” and it was suggested that repairs might be better left until next spring, as frost next winter would only damage a newly-laid surface. The matter was left in the hands of the secretary, pending a decisiOn on the part of the R.A.C. Competitions Committee to permit a resumption of active competition motoring. The question of a rally to Prescott was then raised, but the general opinion seemed to be that there wasn’t enough basic petrol to justify it and, instead, a suggestion of Major Taylor’s for a social was discussed. It was left in the hands of Mr. Giles to try to find a venue near London at which an informal meal could be had and ears attend if desired. Reverting to Prescott, Lemon Burton said he thought going fast up the hill on ordinary tyres would be dangerous, but Bear replied that he had never used racing tyres in his life !

The club is in a sound financial position and ready to resume full activities as soon as conditions permit.

:mongst those present were Lt. Peter I I:114)ton, Anthony -I [cal, Rivers-Fletcher, Philip Turner, Major Taylor, Leonard Potter, Rodney (‘larke, Mr. and Mrs. Whineop, Holland Birkett, 1). S. Jenkinson, Col. Sorel, Mr. and Mrs. Boddy, and others.

Hon. secretary, E. L. Giles, 2, Queen Street, :Nlayhtir, W.I.


‘1’he very greatest credit must be accorded to Rivers-Fletcher for starting things off in quite an ambitious manner, to celebrate the return of the basic fuel ration. His event will be known as the

Cockfosters Rally, and is to happen on July 14th. It has, of course, the full consent of the R.A.C. Rivers-Fletcher has rented, for our amusement, a building estate, and the plot is to rally there on “basic,” talk cars, inspect ears and partake of light refreshments in a specially erected marquee. The R.A.C. will not permit any form of contest, but there will be demonstration runs in interesting cars by prominent personal it ics, along an undulating, twisty piece of private concrete road—at low speed. It is hoped that Earl Howe will open this demonstration with Peter Monkhouse’s Type 51 G.P. Bugatti. There will be other interesting cars on view, as well as the attraction of the “spectators’ ” ears. Hospital funds are to benefit from this meeting, and we particularly want to make it known that hiring the ground and preparing it constitutes an expensive undertaking. B i vers-Fleteher is already personally out of pocket for a sum approaching three figures, so please do your best to support him.

A fairly high charge will have to he made for admission, but will he kept as low as practicable, consistent with expenses—and who will begrudge the cost of admission if real racing cars are to be seen, smelt and heard ! The owners of these and other ears are generously giving of their time and precious gallons to have them present. The public will bc admitted, to swell the hospital takings —and we hope this will assist towards their better education. The venue is the Bevan Park Estate, Cockfosters, and tbis will be easily found from New Barnet. Full details are available from the Organiser—but please do not worry him unnecessarily, as he is naturally pretty fully oecupied as it is. RiversFletcher, ” N oddings,” 4, Eversleigh Road, New Barnet, Herts. The latest arrangements at the time of going to press will be found in ” Rumblings ” on page 145.

750 CLUB

The 750 Club awoke to what we hope will be a new lease of life with the reappearance of ” basic ” motoring. An informal meeting was held at the Osterley Hotel on June 3rd. The cars which attended included a cream MarendazSpecial, an ” Ulster ” Austin Seven, Lush’s T.T. Austin, Balla my’s Vauxhall saloon, II. Birkett’s Type 30 Bugatti, with two S.U. carburet t ers, doing its 70 at 3,600 r.p.m., F/Lt. Mallock’s Austin, Chile’s Austin Seven 2-seater, Orlehar’s Ford Eight saloon, Ash wood’s independently-sprung Alvis saloon, Dr. Ewen’s Morris Eight, a I fillman Minx, and a Riley. Julian Fall attended on a Velocette motor-bicycle, and also present were S. H. Capon, Mr. and Mrs. Frost, Merrilees, French, and many other enthusiasts. S. H. Capon told us that similar informal meetings will be held at the same venue on the first Sunday of each month. This is the first statement he has made as to the future of the Club since the correspondence recently published in Mama Seowr. It seems to go at least part way towards answering the issues raised, and applications for membership, etc., should eon ‘Untie to be addressed to the prescid secretary.


During the first few days of ” basic ” many interesting cars were noted in London, although most were doubtless on ” official ” duties. The ” bag ” included a very Italian-looking Fiat ” Ardita ” tourer, with the hood up, flying a British flag and used by a master decorator, a Schneider saloon, a nice ” 12/50 ” sports 4-seater Alvis, a very Parisian Delage coupe, two Swift Tens and one of the original Singer “Junior ” saloons and an early 2-seater of the same make. A 200-mile run up A.1 added three Lagondas, two M.G.s, two BroughSuperiors, several Rolls-Bentleys and Lancia ” Aprilias,” and a 41-litre Bentley, while the ex-Marcus Chambers 41-litre short-chassis Bentley was seen in Hyde Park, on a leave licence.

B. M . C.C.


The British Model C:tr Cliih’s May meeting in London saw the initial appearance of W. P. Jones’s 10-e.e. O.K. Super 60-engined 8.2-litre Alfa-Romeo. This car ran without body. lapping at 30–I0 m.p.h. Cruickshank ‘s M.G. recorded fastest time, at 46 m.p.h., but the Curwen-Special did about 45 m.p.h.


A inceling Ihe lot ir Cycling Club was held on Sunday. June 17.111, at the

erstwhile ” Edinburgh starting point in Wrotham Park. About 60 cars, well laden with enthusiasts, turned out in perfect weather, together with a number of motor-cyclists and a few Of the unfortunates who still depend on London Tra nsport. . s one has coi»e to expect at an M.C.C. cvtlit, a truly varied collection of cars Nvas to he seen, pre-war trials specials heill!E conspicuously absent tlilktis the renowned Scroggs’s Trojan he classified as a ” special.” For the rest, lhe sports ears were represented by re:Isoti:thly normal-looking exanipies of Ifiley

” Sprite,” Jaguar 100,” V8 Allard, 1,100 II.R.G., 2-litre Lagonda, l.(;. Series ‘I’ and P, Type 328 B.M.W., mat Ix tans Peugeot. At the other end of’ the scale of dignity were such luxury conveyanc(‘s as Pliant (?Ill III tolls-lb)yee, Lagorida V12, Daimler limousine (with chauffeur !) and 41-lit re Bentley. In the inotor-cycle park, the most striking thing was the prevalence of multi-cylinder outfits, hy B.S.A., Brough, , rid. and Harley I favidson.

Many familiar faces were seen again at this purely social gathering, among those present being Ripley, Hunter, Seroggs. t’ouper, Klementaski, and ” Grande V i tesse.” New faces were there, too, including allied visitors from China and Ameriea.

Major Alarialo: spoke a few words of welcome. scorning; the aid of’ a nic!,aphone, expressing pleasure at the sight la such a line gathering of’ ears. ‘Hien Jackie Masters said he would be ready to Stage another event, with hills, so soon as petrol could be obtained. A 1916 Land’s End trial seems to be a certainty, with a sinaller scale event before then if conditions permit.