

To meet the repeated demands for something on the lines of the old Spare Parts AnnounceMents, we have instituted -a system of inexpensive advertisements. Each announcement must be ,to twelve words, plus the advertiser’s sufficient postal addiess, and the charge will be Is. tki. per announcement, payable a, time of posting. The system will be governed by the following rules (I) Barb announcement to cost Is. and be

limited to twelve words and the advertiser’s address. Box Numbers eannot be used.

(2) 17he publishers accept. no respoasibility for loss. of advertisements, non-publication, late publication, or incorrect wording, but will endeavour to insert announcements In the next issue, if posted within eight days of the publication of the previous issue.

(3) No advertiser may submit more than two announcements per issue and each must apply to a separate article. Only spares for sale, spares or cars wanted, or really cheap cars for sale, should be announced. Prices should normally be quoted.

(4) The proprietors of Moron SPORT offer this scheme for the Mutual benefit of enthusiasts and can take no responsibility of any sort whatsoever. All transactions must be nuide to the published addresses and no correspondence can be entered into in respect of announcements, transactions or any other matters arising from the scheme.

(5) Announcements should be sent within eight days of the publication of the current issue of MorOit !iron, accompanied by stamps or crossed postal orders to the required’ amount. Cheques or win cannot be accepted. WANTED

OLD Frazer-Nash chassis and transmission, with or without. body and engine. Stephenson, Dunleys, Poyle Lane, Burnham, ‘Bucks.

SCINTIL LA Vertex Magneto, replace Distributor, 1933 Riley Nine, reasonable price. Patten,’ 11, Pembroke Place, Cavershatn, Reading. OLD model Bugatti or similar If-litre. N. Lockwood, c/o BoorsN/S, B.S.A.’s, Redditch, Worcs. SPARES, particularly cranks. Brooke, 44, balanced 30/98 Oardens, Loudon, SlAr.l. Orcycoat FOR SALE Exi, l RI :11E N TAT. rden chassis, dismantled , V -t win , Anzani, three-speed, little used. Martin, ” Witltited,” Bath Road, Taplow, Bucks. 19 33

.Ht GAN J. A .P., whole. or as spares. N Lockwood, c/o Bofors N/S, B.S.A.’s, Redd itch, Worcs. Spares Section, MOTOR SPORT, 21, CITY ROAD, LONDON, E.C.1