
LOOKING BACK No. 2: The Exeter Trial of 1924

Now that long drives are impossihte for most of us, it. is amusing to glance

bark to the ” Exeter ‘ Trial of 192 t doubtless the run seemed pretty impossible to lif:ttiV lir the eiimpetitiirs at the (hue. lii “The Brooklands Gazet ie.’

t his paper then was of Januar■;, 1925, we gave a list of finishers in that event. A very big number of competitors had completed the course and they int:hided C. Anthony’s Seneehal, I). M. l.elts’s bur Oates’s Lap ondo Capt. Twelve’ rees (I lie then Editor) vit Ii

his 11.9 1 kaji. Hillary’s Frazer-Nash.

11. .1. Aldington’s Vrai.cr-N:ozn, l,. i. I larris’s I ugi ulula, 13onliani Carter’s Jowett. llornsteirs 31-11.p. Excelsior,

V. ” 12:20 tie I Yin!), Vernon lialk’s Annie:tr. Tal low’s Len-Fraricis and SainniV 1)3Viti viI Ii all Austin Twelve.

Bianchi. Ithode, Maxwell. Vestw)iod, Surrey. A.B.C.. Clyno, IN’averley, tikk. line. Mathis. )1c1:enzie and .‘riel were amongst the cars liictm came through successfully. Could you runt a single example to-day ?