

Although this is only the second time I have written to MOTOR SPORT, I have taken the paper since 1926 and have saved nearly all Copies. My first acquaintance came about as a result of the report of the ” 13rooklands ” Austin Seven which I was very interested in at the time, but could not afford, so after a run of several Veincc ttes I bought a standard Sports Seven. Do you remember—with a long tail ? I ran this, with the tail chopped short like a Cup model, in the original Rallies organised by the ” Motor ” at Southport, etc., in 1928. In 1929 I exchanged this for a Gordon England Triumph Seven, which I ran in several Rallies, including Brighton, and at the J.C.C. Rally at Brooklands. Next, I had two Wolseley Hornet Specials —nice cars, with the weight kept low. After this I decided to bronchi out into something a bit more like the real thing and acquired a newly-imported 1750 c.c. blown Alfa with !red Zagato 2-seater coachwork. It had run in the Mille Miglia and I spent a lot on maintenance, but it was great fun. I ran it in several speed events—Ma,dreafield and Syston

Park, etc. I also paid a visit to the previous owner in Milan.

When I obtained an appointment as Solicitor to the Essex County Connell I decided the Alfa mast go„ so in 1937 I bought a new Type 55 B.M.W. with drophead Relater body. I still have this car, which has done nearly 40,000 miles and is till as good as new. Iii fact, FrazerNash describe it as the best-preserved ” ” in the country. It still does about too miles a week in my present job with the Kent County Council. Along with the B.M.W. I have had a “500” Fiat purchased new in 1938—a grand little. car to which I hoped toll a “Bremo” blower—the only one in the country, and once described in the ” Autoear.” It was an Italian job which fitted on without iii eration,utilising the existing carburetter, etc. The performance, however, did not

compare with an Arnett or like. *Unfortunately, rising taxation compelled me to retain one car only. Apart from all this, and apart from enjoying every page of MOTOR SPORT, I had great fun spectating at nearly all the major sporting events over the past ten years or more, with a few continental

events thrown in—including German G.P., Monte Carlo G.P., Swiss G.P., Targa Abruzzi, etc. May the sport continue to flourish in and out of the pages of MOTOR SPORT. I am, Yours etc.,

