
Sir, First ofull, I should like to congratulate

you on the magnificent way MOTOR SPORT carries on in spite of what must be many great difficulties. I always look forward every month to receiving my copy, and I especially enjoy the General Notes wider ” Club News,” also any articles written for the more impecunious sports car owners, as I belong to this latter great band of enthusiasts.

My own mount is a 1938 ” J.2 ” M.G.

Midget, and I have had this for nearly seven years, so you can see how really happy I am with the motor. I have iiiade hundreds of modifications, and the c; a is now practically a ” J4 ” (unhlown) with numerous special features. As I have made the ” J ” models a special study, I should be very glad if you could put me in touch with any other” J “-Midget owners, so that we could perhaps exchange ideas and maybe spares ?

With Very best wishes for the future of MOTOR SPORT, and could we have sonic M.G. articles ? I am, Yours etc.,’ S. U. Cous, 11, Lynchmere Av.,

N. Lancing, Sussex. [We recently approached the M.G. Car Co. Ltd. for an article, but $0 far this has not materialised. Will M.G. owners please write direct ?—Ed..]