

WHEN Wilbur Shaw brought his 3-litre Maserati over the finishing line in first place at Indianapolis last month, it was the first time a European car had won the race since Howdy Wilcox won with a Peugeot in 1919. Shaw took the lead during the last 50 of the 500 miles, and won by one and a half mins, at an average speed of 115.035 m.p.h. Jimmy Snyder (Thorne Engineering Special) was second, and Cliff

Bergere (Offenhauser) third. An AlfaRomeo driven by Babe Stapp finished fifth, this car being a modified 3.8-litre model. A crowd of 145,000 fans saw a thrilling race. At the start Snyder went into the lead and proceeded to bat round at well over 120 m.p.h. After 50 miles he had averaged 123.553 m.p.h. Thereafter it -was a scrap all the way between Snyder Lou Meyer and Shaw. With only 40 miles to go Meyer was in the lead when he misjudged his speed on the curve after the main stands and spun round in circles. In doing so he tore off a tyre, and was lucky to finish up still on the track, although he nearly hit the retaining wall. Ile drove back to the pits, changed the wheel and set off again, having lost the lead to Shaw, who had been a lap behind

when Meyer’s skid occurred. Meyer -drove like a demon to get back the lead, but he only spun again and this time was -called in by the officials. Half way through the race there was a terrible accident in which last year’s winner Floyd ” Parson ” Roberts, lost his life. Bob Swanson, driving the Samson Comet which was powered by the 8-litre engine used by the late Frank Lockhart in his 200 mile Stutz, got into a spin just in front of Roberts, who was closely followed by Chet Miller. Roberts did

his best to avoid the Samson, but it gave him no chance and his car was pushed into the retaining fence. It cut right through this and ended up on an. adjoining golf course. Poor Roberts was badly hurt and unconscious when the ambulance arrived and he died of severe head injuries in hospital an hour later. He was thirty-nine years old, and leaves three children. Swanson’s car took fire after the impact and the driver was thrown out onto the track without serious injury. Miller nearly avoided the ob

struction in his path, but he, too, was side-swiped, but he was not badly hurt. Two women spectators were slightly injured. Swanson’s skid took place on the first lap after he had refuelled, and no doubt the heavy tank of the Samson took him unawares. This appalling accident caused the yellow flag to be displayed for some time while the wreckage was cleared away, and this resulted in a big reduction in speed. Otherwise it is certain that Shaw would have beaten the record of 117.2 m.p.h. set up by Roberts last year


1. Wilbur Shaw (Maserati supercharged eightcylinder), 4h. 20m. 47.41s., 115.035 m.p.h.

2. Jimmy Snyder (Thorne Engineering Special, supercharged six-cylinder), 4h. 22m. 36.60s. 114.246 m.p.h. 3. Cliff Berger° (Offenhauser Special, supercharged four-cylinder), 4h. 23m. 51.41s., 113.698

m.p.h. °Ted Horn (Boyle Special), 4h. 28m. 8.82s., 111397 m.p.h.

5, Babe Stapp (Alfa-Romeo), 4h. 29m. 46.62s., 111.230 m.p.h.; 6, George Barringer (Bill White Special), 4h. 31m. 30.53s., 110.472 m.p.h.; 7, Joel Thorne (Joel Thorne Special, 4h. 31m. 42.02s., 110.416 m.p.h. • 8, Mann i Rose (Wheeler’s Special), 4h. $3m. 51.80;., 109.544 m.p.h. ; 9, Frank Weenie (Burd Piston Ring Special), 4h. 38m. 16.65s., 107.806 m.p.h.; 10, Billy De Vore (Barbasol Special), 4b. 47m. 43.37s., 104.267 m.p.h.

Still Running : Tony Gulotta, Louis Tomei.

Retired : Shorty Cantion, 87 miles, oil pipe; Deacon Litz, 17 miles, engine ; Floyd Davis, 10 miles, engine ; George Bailey, 110 miles, valve ; Russell Snowberger, 148 miles, overheating ;. Al Miller, 102 miles, engine ; Ira Hall, 227 miles, engine; Ralph Hepburn, 269 miles, crash ; Floyd Roberts, 245 miles, crash’ Chet Miller, 274 miles, crash ; Bob Swanson (car he started on), 47 miles, engine ; Emil Andres, 50 miles, oil pipe’ Frank Brisk°, 95 miles, engine ; Rex Mays, 362 miles, piston ; Herb Ardinger, 351 miles, engine ; Kelly Petillo, 350 miles, clutch ; Louis Meyer, 199 laps, flagged off ; Mel Hansen, 316 miles, crash ; Tony Willman, 470 miles, engine• George Connor, 488 miles, engine; Harry MacQuinn, 275 miles, clutch.