


Many thanks for article ” Of French Vintage ” in your May issue, had I been aware that my few remarks would be published I would have attempted to be more interesting to your enthusiastic readers, especially to your contributor, Mr. Gerald A. Ewen, who is obviously a keen Delage owner. 1 do not agree that there are any snags witli these cars, and the points mentioned by Ewen were always rectified without difficulty. If of interest, I would reply

to them in same order.

(1) It is a sound idea to fit a ” Common or breaker” Jaeger speedometer, but it probably would be necessary for British Jaeger Instruments Ltd. to reset speedo. revs, to correspond to car gears.

(2) Tappet gear noise can be rectified by fitting new pins and rollers, and if condition permits, the forked bronze guides can be closed in to fit tappets. Lubrication from valve rocker shaft can be controlled however one thinks fit, by removal or fitting of wicks in oil ways of rockers.

(3) The majority of clutches were modified to eight Spring type and with Raybestos plates no trouble was experienced providing the rear main bearing was not leaking oil, and the centre steel plate was free on its splined shaft. (4) Oil travel up torque tube, propeller shaft, was remedied by fitting a full diameter metal washer between bevel pinion and first ballrace on shaft This has been incorporated by the makers on all later models

(5) Aerolite pistons with oil control rings and Mortimer Welding Co. Ltd. cylinder rebores have proved a success over a great many years. Mr. Ewen’s statement that there are no differences in mechanical details of the DISS and DIS models is not so. A short table is as follows :— DISS

Chassis; Low.

Engine: High Compression, large valves high lift cams, single chain.

Cooling Thermo syphon. Clutch : No adjustment, life controlled

by plate wear. Gearbox Gear selection original pattern

back to 1923.

Dynamotor : Crankshaft driven.

Ignition: Bosch magneto.

Max. speed by makers : 80 m.p.h. DIS

Chassis : Normal.

Engine : Normal. Double chain.

Cooling : Pump.

Clutch: Toggle arm adjustment.

Gearbox : Redesigned.

Dynamotor : Chain driven.

Ignition : North East coil.

Max. speed by Makers : 70 m.p.h.

Regarding speeds of these cars there is a DISS locally that is nearly dropping to pieces which has a habit of passing pals on other makes, who’s speedo. readings at the time has been over 75 m.p.h. The only time I have been stopped by the police was a few years back on a demonstration DISS at a speedometer reading of 88 m.p.h., which was later followed by an interesting morning at Highgate police court.

I quite agree with Mr. Ewen’s final remarks and greatly regret that these long life cars are not being produced to-day, although the same qualities are certainly incorporated in later models of larger h.p.

A few words will suffice regarding the Hotchkiss, all models are too good for one With a repair business and the ” Paris Nice” Model would be a delight to the most critical enthusiast. I am, Yours etc.,

J. WATTEN. S \ 17,