


As a man not interested in cars built later than 1931 I write to say how I enjoy the articles and correspondence published in MOTOR SPORT.

I own a Bentley which is nine years old and which I cannot afford to run more than one month in the year (often not so long) and a 1928 Rolls-Royce.

I have travelled down to the city in the Rolls for over a year covering about a hundred miles a week, and I did not have to lift the bonnet to make an adjustment, leave alone a repair. During the year I used three gallons of oil and averaged about 13 miles to the gallon. in city and suburban traffic and about 20 miles to the gallon in the country. Unfortunately this one is also too expensive for me to run, so it is now under a dust sheet beside the Bentley waiting for better days.

Can you or any of your readers tell me where I could find a pre-1915 RollsRoyce, as I am very keen to save one of those beautiful cars from becoming a. breakdown lorry or a hearse. I am, Yours etc., PETER
