


ANEW course record was set up by G. Taylor on the supercharged Alta when he covered the halfmile in 22.45 seconds, returning a speed of 80.16 m.p.h., breaking the existing record set up by R. 0. Shuttleworth (Alfa-Romeo) in 1935.

The morning events were confined to sports-cars and those in the afternoon to racing-ears, motor-cycles and veteran classes, who opened the afternoon’s proceedings.

For a change the morning was beautiful and sunny, and formed a pleasant contrast to the terrible weather that has been experienced during the past three years.

Forrest Lycett (41-litre Bentley) and K. Hutchison (Allard V12) started off the morning’s events, in the handicap event for standard unsupercharged sports-cars. Lycett returned a speed of 60.20 and Hutchison 60,10 m.p.h, the class being won by C. Follett’s Railton at 62.57 m.p.h. The next event saw the record broken for this class, which was previously held by Ashton Rigby (M.G.) at 54.22 m.p.h., by F. Y. Andrews on a F.I.A.T. His time was 54.40 m.p.h.

In the third event, for ladies only, driving unlimited unsupercharged sportscars, Miss Peggy Jee (Ford V8) reached a speed of 57.79 m.p.h., .29 secs. in front of Mrs. P. R. Monkhouse (M.G.). Another record was broken for event four, unsupercharged sports-cars up to 1,500 c.c., when P. R. Monkhouse in his M.G. beat the record of 58.74 m.p.h. which he set up himself last year, by attaining a speed of 59.27 m.p.h. Class 5 saw some very fast runs for the first six cars, the winner being Forrest Lycett (4i-litre Bentley) 61.86 m.p.h., and the following five : K. Hutchison (Allard V12) and C. Follett (Railton) lied for second place at 61.71 m.p.h., A. May (Vauxhall) 60.73 m.p.h. fourth, R. C. Symonds (Bugatti) 60.40 m.p.h. -fifth, and A. S. Heal (80198 Vauxhall)

60 m.p.h. . ! The Veterans opened the proceedings in the afternoon with an event for racing, cars of unlimited capacity and. built !prior to 1915. A. S. Heal simply streaked

away on the 10-litre F.I.A.T. and averaged 58.55 m.p.h. The same car with which he did so well at Shelsley Walsh quite recently. Then came an event for cars not exceeding 20 h.p. which were eligible to compete in the LondonBrighton Emancipation Day Run. The winner was S. 14. Sears (Clement-Talbot) at 30.74 m.p.h. Immediately afterwards down came the rain, and as the shore side of the course was of a dangerous nature the fastest racing-cars were allowed to go up one at

a time on the sea side of the course. Even on this portion of the track there remained about 100 yards of asphalt, soaking wet, to be completed before reaching the finishing line, and in spite of this some remarkably good times were put up. G. P. Harvey-Noble with the blown M.G., a well known local enthusiast, won class 15 with a speed of 64.32 m.p.h., beating A. H. L. Maclachlans very speedy little Austin by one twenty-fifth

of a second, but he turned the tables in the next event and even succeeded in making a faster return than Fry on the Freikaiserwagen.

Earl Howe broke the record for the 1,500 c.c. class at ‘75.53 m.p.h., and just as the larger racing-cars were commencing for their runs a torrential downpour accompanied by thunder and lighting fell, and racing was held up until it abated. G. Taylor then proceeded to set us the course record of 80.18 m.p.h. with the Alta. RESULTS Unsupercharged Sports-Cars

Class 1 : Unsupercharged Sports-Cars on handicap (Brighton and Hove Motor Club members only). Best times : 1, Charles Follett (4,168 c.c. Railton), 28.77s. (62.57 m.p.h.); 2, Forrest Lycett (41-litre Bentley), 29.90s. (60.20 m.p.h.); 3, K. N. Hutchison (Allard V12), 29.95s. (60.10 m.p.h.).

Class 2. 1,100 c.o. : 1, F. Y. Andrews (995 c.c. Flat), 33.09s. (54.40 m.p h.) (new Class record) ; 2, Mrs. Jean Jackson (1,087 c.e. M.G.), 34.54s. (52.11 m.p.h); 3, A. F. Facer (1,089 c.c. Riley), 36.608. (49.18 m.p.h.). Continued on page 276

Class 3. Unlimited Sports-Cars (ladies only) : 1, Miss Peggy Jee (Ford V8), 31.15s. (57.79 m.p.h.);

2, Mrs. P. R.. Monkhousc (1,430 c.c. M.G.), 31.44s. (57.25 m.p.h.); 3, Miss A. Watson (Ford V8), 32.20s. (55,58 m.p.h.).

Class 4. 1,500 ex. : 1, P. R. Monkhouse (1,430 c.c. 31.0.), 30.37s. (59.27 m.p.h.) (new Class record) ; 2, E. Bowler (1,495 c.c. Aston-Martin), 31.95s. (57.50 m.p.h.); 3, H. Lee Pownall (1,495 c.c. Bugatti), 56.34 m.p.h.

Class 5. Unlimited c.o. : 1, Forrest Lycett (ftlitre Bentley), 29.10s, (61.86 m.p.h.) ; 2, K. Hutchison (Allard V12) and Charles Follett (4,168 Railton), 29.178. (61.71 m.p.h.). Supercharged Sports-Cars

Class 6. 1,100 c.c. : 1, M. Duke Woolley (1,087 c.c. M.G.. S.), 30.67s. (58.09 m.p.h.); 2, 0. Reid (939 c.c. M.G., S.). 31.39s. (57.34 ni.p.h.) ; 3, H. Witley Burt (939 ex: M.G. S.), 32s. (56.25 m.p.h.).

Class 7. 1,650 c.c. : 1, M. Duke Woolley (1,087 c.c. M.G., S.), 29.52s. (60.98 m.p.h.); 2, P. R. Monkhouse (1,430 c.c. 31.0.), 30.02s. (59.96 m.p.h.); 3, 0. Reid (9n c.c. M.G., S.), 31.6s. (56.96 m.p.h.). Class 8. Unlimited : 1, R. J. Griffiths (1,960 c.c. Alta, S.), 27.36s. (65.79 m.p.h.); 2, Forrest Lycett (4 i-lit re Bentley), 28.49s. (63.18 m.p.h.) ; 3, K. Gammon (1,960 c.c. Alta,, S.), 28.68s. (6.2.76 m.p.h.),

Class 12.a. Veteran cars built prior to 1915. Unlimited c.c. : 1. A. S. Heal (1910 :Fiat 10,087 c.c.), 30.74s. (58.55 M.p.h.): 2, Forrest Lyeett (1913 Hispano Sutra 3,600 c.c.), 41.80s. (43.06 m.p.h.). Class 12b. Veteran cars up to 20 h.p. eligible for Emancipation Day Run : 1, S. B. Sara (1904 ClementTalbot 2,723 c.c.), 58.55s. (30.74 m.p.h.) ;-2, Graham Oliver (1903 Panhard-Levassor), 61s. (29.51 m.p.h.);

3, F. W. Hutton-Stott, jimr. (1903 Lanchester 4,028 c.c.) 61.55s. (29.25 m.p.h.). Racing-Cars Class 14. 850 0.0. : 1, 0. P. Harvey-Ni.1,10 (74; c.c. M.G., S.), 27.81s. (04.73 m.p.h.); 2, 1. N. 1.,

Maciachlan (747 c.c. A118( hi, 28.()(is , (( . m.p.h.) ; 3, 1). 0. Evans (746 c.c. M.G., S.), 28.20s. (63.38 m.p.h.).

Class 15. 1100 0.0. : 1, A. N. L. Raclachlari (747 (.c. Austin, S.), 20.75s, (67,29 m.p.h.); 2, H.

St ‘,art Wilton (1,087 c 31.0., S. • 27.18g. (66.23 111.1).11.); a, D. H. C. Fry (1.907 c.v. 1,.1-4,i14;i1tIerwagen, S.), 27.59s. (65.23 m.p.h.).

class 16. 1,500 c.c. : I, Earl Howe (1,488 e.e. E.R .A., S.), 23.83s . (75.53 in.p. h.) (neW Class record) ; 2, C. K. Mortimer (1.496 c.c. Alta. S.), 26.20s. (08.70 m.p.h.) ; 3, 11. C. Winter (1,486 c.c. Alta, S.), 26.34s. (68.34 m.p.h.).

Class 17. 3,000 c.c. : 1, G. Taylor (1,960 c.c. Alta, S.). 22.45s. (80.18 m.p.h.) (new car record for course) ; 2, Earl Howe (1,488 e.e. E.R.A., S.), 22.948. (78.46 m.p.h.); 3, G. E. Abecassis (1,497 c.c. Alta, S.), 24.11s. (74.66 m.p.h.).

Class 18. Unlimited : 1, 0. Taylor (1,960 c.c. Alta, S.). 23.46e. (76.73 m.p.h.); 2, G. Abeeassis (1,497 c.c. Alta. S.), 24.05s. ; 3, A. Baron (3,300 c.c. Bugatti, S.), 24,06s.