

Sir, Messrs. Lancia (England) Ltd., Lancia Works, Alperton, Wembley, have appointed Messrs. John S. Truscott Ltd. as their sole wholesale distributors for Lancia cars in Scotland. Wholesale inquiries in this area should therefore be addressed to Messrs, Truscott’s Glasgow office at 12, Renfield Street, C.2. Telephone Central 335. Messrs. Truscott have undertaken to transact no retail Lancia business, but to give the trade every support in the sale of these cars, and are maintaining a demonstration Aprilia de Luxe saloon, listing at £355, for the con

venience of Scottish dealers. The full range of models is being exhibited at the showrooms of Messrs. Macharg, Rennie & Lindsay Ltd., at 573-581, Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, C.3, while the official Lancia Service and Spares Depot for Scotland is at 28, Berkeley Street, Glasgow, C.3.

Retail Agents will shortly be appointed elsewhere in Scotland. I am, Yours etc., S. W. NEWMAN,

Director and General Manager. Alperton,
