
MODEL T on 17th and it

Anyone who feels that he or she would like to grapple once again with the unconventional controls of the epileptic— sorry, epicyclic—model T Ford car should note that anyone who brings one of these vehicles, of passenger-car type, along to the Ford Enthusiasts’ Club’s Croydon Rally on J uly 17th and gets it through the five tests (not against the watch !) will receive an award. Trade plates or monthly licences will naturally be permissible, but cars must come into the grounds under their own power. The model T Ford was remarkably pre valent in these islands up to 1927, but our taxation rating, has killed them off like

flies. Tens of thousands of mortals twist have grappled with their twopedal control, either as ambulance drivers during 1914-18, or as lorry, taxi or private car drivers before or after the War.