

IT would be a major tragedy were the J.C.C. High Speed Trial at Brooklands to fall by the wayside, for this is a most instructive event from the viewpoint of showing up the capabilities of fairly normal fast cars under prolonged high-speed running, besides being ex cellent value for competitors. Therefore it is regrettable that this year the J.C.C. had only to serve up one of these trials, having received an entry Of only forty-four, whereas last year there were two trials, with an entry of ninety-two,

all told. Certainly Brighton clashed, but so it did in 1937.

The High Speed Trial is instructive from the viewpoint of analysis of results, but it is not so enthralling to watch, and, in consequence, we endeavour to ride as passengers, rather than support the enclosure railings while it is in progress. This year, as in the two years previous, we rode with John Eason-Gibson, this time in a Lancia Aprilia saloon. Speeds had been stiffened up, and in our category it was necessary to lap at 2 mins. 23 secs. to gain a Premier Award (actually faster, to compensate for the standing lap), whereas the previous year only 2 mins, 32 secs. was called for. On the line Norton Bracey worked hard to change plugs in his blown M.G. Barker’s Riley Gamecock and Parker’s Riley, confused about the starting arrangements, both stayed on the line when the flag fell for the first row to depart. Miss McOstrich’s lady passenger, in very slinky trousers, strapped herself into the Frazer-Nash—passengers have quite a bit to do during the run and two hands are inadequate for holding pencils,

watches and hand-grips. The Lancia did its standing lap in 2 mins. 36! secs. Soon we were enjoying a great duel with Blackford’s M.G. Magnette, which, doing about 76 m.p.h., would draw gradually away along the Railway, Straight, but which could be held, and usually caught, through the corners. The Aprilia needed all the track to negotiate the top bend fast, but only got momentarily out of control once, when it struck the bumps at the top of the finishing straight at a considerable angle. It took the Paddock ” S ” at 40 m.p.h. and accelerated fiat through the last corner at about 60 m.p.h. A fan tail appeared on the track early on, but dead and dying cars seemed less conspicuous than usual. We were faster than Watson (12170 Alvis), who smiled as we passed, while at intervals the Type :328 Frazer-Nash-B.M.W.s would sail majestically by, high up the Byfleet, Pane waving cheerily. An S.S. would usually follow, and obviously some fine duels were in progress. Symmons was treating the corners with respect in the big L.M.B., having a reserve of speed in hand, and Lines was getting good knots out of the L.N. Special, which has a Ford V8 basis. An excellent effort was that of Norton Bracey, whose M.G. had nasty moments, following a burst front cover, but who gained a Premier nevertheless, aided by Roddy Seys. Bushford, deserves mention for getting a Standard Award with his vintage Amilcar, which was pushed home by its exhausted crew. The Lancia went round at about 2 mins. 20 secs., and. Gibson went on long after we had done the requisite 20 laps, because, as he Said, he wanted his money’s worth. The little car showed no signs of distress at the end, but understandable wear on the front India covers, on account of the rapid cornering. Urban-Enunrich sent the barrels rolling at the last corner with his Ford VS saloon, bending both wings On the opposite side of the car in

the ensuing slide. Biackford’s M.G. slowed slightly after the Lancia had passed it, and built up a lead—was there ever man who drove to Schedule in this event, regarding as not a race ? The best performance of all was that of H. J. Aldington, whose Type 328 Frazer-NashB.M.W. averaged best time of the day, clocking an average of 79.14 m.p.h. All three B.M.W.s and the trio of S.S.s gained Premiers, likewise Michael May’s works Alvis, Sheppard, Russell-Roberts, Blackford, Bennett and Bracey with M.G.s, Gibson’s Lancia, Pritchard’s litre Aston-Martin, and Cohen’s Riley of

very T.T. appearance. Amongst the bigger cars were many of the Standard Award winners. We commend this event next year to those drivers who did not run this time and whom we know to have suitable motor-cars. In the long series of short handicap races round the outer-circuit which made up the afternoon programme, the fastest win was Aldy’s, with the Frazer-NashB.m.w., at 93.62 m.p.h. for a lap, and he also won another One lap race at 92.57 m.p.h. Symmons with the L.M.B. had two wins, at 84.99 m.p.h. and 79.17 m.p.h. respectively, the former for two laps, and Anthony’s Aston-Martin did 84.06 m.p.h. to win the First Two-Lap Handicap. Another popular winner was C. V. P. Hampton, whose 1,122 c.c. Mere&les-Benz, as immaculate as ever, won a one-lap handicap at 75.23 m.p.h. Up the Test Hill the respective class victors were Latimer’s touring Ford (11i sees.), Lines’s sports L.N. Special

(In sees.), and Aldington’s racing (as to category) Frazer-Nash-B.M.W. (9.0 secs.). The runners-up, likewise respective, were : Mann’s Ford, Parley’s H.R.G., which did not start in the High Speed Trial, tying with Anthony’s Aston-Martin, and Norton Bracey’s M.G.

The results are very instructive and merit close study.


Best Performance : H. J. Aldington (2-litre FrazerNash-B.M.W.), 79.14 m.p.h.

Special Awards : N. E. Bracey (M.G.), C. Cohen (Riley), J. Eason-Gibson (Lancia), W. W. S. Bennett (M.G.), B. A. Blackford (M.G.),E. G. Russell-Roberts (M.G. ), M. W. Sheppard (M.G.), M. W. B. May (Alvis), J. R. Pritchard (Aston-Martin), H. .T. Aldington (Frazer-Nash-B.M.W.), A. F. P. Pane (Frazer-NashB.M.W.), H. C. Hunter (Frazer-Nash-B.M.W.), A. Croldman (5.5.), C. E. Truett (S.S.), J. D. Firth (S.S.).

Standard Awards : C. E. Bushford (A milear), R. M. Andrews (M.G.), C. E. Taylor (M.G.), A. G. Parker (Riley), F. H. Bacon (Singer), Miss P. McOstrieh (Frazer-Nash), P. K. Braid (M.0.), W. I’. Maidens (Rover), W. A. V. Davis (Singer), W. J. Watson (Alvis), D. Hamilton Moore (Bentley). U. M. Woodard (Bentley), H. E. Urban-Emmrich ( Ford), B. G. Symmons (L.M.B.), J. R. Lines (L.N. Special). First One-Lap Handicap : H. G. Synunon (L.M.R.), 70.17 ; 2, E. G. Russell-Roberts

(m.(4.) ; 3, N. E. Bracey (M.U.).

First One-Lap Handicap : (B)-1, C. W. P. Hampton (Mercedes-Benz), 75.23 m.p.h. ; 2, 0. MurraySymons (10.) ; 3, J. A. Andrews (Morgan).

First One-Lap Handicap : (C)-1, M. Sheppard (M.G.), 70.44 m.p.h. 2. ( . E. Taylor (M.G.) ; H. .1. Aldington (Fro z? Nas)t-B.M.W..).

First Two-Lap Handicap : (A) —1, H. U. Synunoris (14.31.B.), 84.99 ni.p.h. ; 2, E. G. Russell-Roberts (M.G.) ; 3, W. P. Maidens (Rover).

First Two-Lap Handicap : (B) —1, J. A. Andrews (Morgan), 71.56 m.p.h. ; 2, 14. M. Maynard (A.C.) ; 3, N. Freedman (Terraplane).

First Two-Lap Handicap : (C)-1, C. M. Anthony (Aston-Martin), 84.06 m.p.h. ; 2, E. K Farley (H.R .0.) ; 3, C. Mann (Ford). Second One-Lap Handicap : W. B. 0. Leith (Hudson), 78.06 m.p.h. ; 2, L. M. Maynard (A.C.) ;

3, D. G. Parker (M.G.) ; 4, E. G. Russell-Roberts (M.G.). Second One-Lap Handicap : (B)-1, H. .T. Aidington (Frazer-Nash-13.M.W.), 92.57 m.p.h.; 2, 1). Hamilton Moore (Bentley) ; 3, C. M. Anthony (AstonMart in) : 4, It. Latimer ( Ford.) Second Two-Lap Handicap : (A)-1, E. G. RussellRoberts (M.G.), 83.0 m.p.h.; 2, J. R. Pritchard (Aston-Martin) ; 3, J. R. Lines (L.N. Special) ;

4, A. F. P. Pane (Frazer-Nash-B.M.W.).

Second Two-Lap Handicap : W. B. G. Leith (Hudson), 83.70 m.p.h. ; 2, D. G. Parker (M.G.) ; 3, L. M. Maynard (A.C.); 4, G. Bagratouni (AlfaRomeo).

One-Lap Handicap Final : 1, H. J. Aldington (Frazer-Nash-B.M.W.), 93.62 m.p.h. ; 2,1). G. Parker (M.G.) : :3, C. B. Taylor (31.G.) ; 4, E. 0. RussellRoberts (M.).).

Two-Lap Handicap Final : 1, W. P. Maidens (Rover), 73.24 m.p.h. ; 2, C. M. Anthony (AstonMartin); 3, W. 0. B. Leith (Hudson) ; 4. L. M. Maynard (A.C.). Test Hill Sweepstake

Touring Cars : 1, R. Latimer -(Ford), ; 2, C. Mann (Ford); 3, R. D. Gregory (Bentley).

Sports-Cars : 1, J. R. Lines (14.N. Special), 1118. ; 2, E. K. Farley (H.R.G.) and C. M. Anthony (AstonMartin) tied ; 3 .D. G. Parker (M.G.).

Super Sports-Cars : I. H. J. Aldington (FrazerNash-B.M.W.). 9s. • 2, N. E. Bracey (31.0.) ; 3, C. G. Fitt (Hudson Special).