

Readers of this paper will not need to be reminded that the J.C.C. revived the classic 200-Mile Race last year, staging it for the first time up at Dollington. After the I.O.M. Race the

section of the “200,” now open to all sizes of cars, is our most important small car contest. Last year we very thoroughly enjoyed watching Seaman so masterfully vanquish the big fellows with his old. iflitre Delage and it will be extremely interesting to see whether a small car can again come home winner of this scratch contest this time. The regulations are now out. The distance is the popular one of about 200 miles, actually seventy-seven laps or 197 miles. Starters will be limited to thirty and released at 2.30 p.m. Ladles may compete. Entry fees are £15 per car, inclusive of insurance for third-party claims up to £10,000, with 10 per cent. reduction for a second entry and 20 per . cent reduction for a third. Entries close at this rate on July 15th or at £25 per car, with subsequent reductions, on July 31st. The winner will receive the famous £250 Andre Challenge Trophy and £200 in cash. The entrant of the car finishing second takes 4100 and that of

the third finisher £50. In addition, the first 1 flitre car takes £100 and trophy, the second £50 and the third £25 and the other awards are also open to the 1i-litre cars. Any fuel may be used and pressurerefuelling is permissible, but not gravityfeed. It is to be hoped that a strong British entry will be faced with warm opposition from the Continent. The date of the race is Saturday, August 28th. Full particulars from : The Junior Car Club, Empire House, Brampton. Road, London, S.W.7. Kensington 1295 and 2756.