

Amongst the latest owners of the H.R.G. is E. K. Farley, who formerly drove in trials with a Singer. His car has the new bodywork with separate bucketseats. H.R.G. owners are multiplying exceedingly, but Godfrey smilingly assures us that they are still remembered by their Christian names !

W. J. Cox, of the Ryder Cup golf team, has taken delivery of a 2-litre M.G. saloon.

Lady Wardington has taken delivery of a LammasGraham saloon.

Prince Bernhard has been personally trying a 4i-litre Lagonda Rapide on Brooklands.

Pouishnoff, the pianist, has bought a Triumph Dolomite saloon of the type we recently put through a road-test.

The Hon. Mrs. Victor Bruce uses a new A.C. drophead four-seater -coupe, but also retains the 1925 A.C. Six with which her husband won the 1926 Monte Carlo Rally.

Arnott, late of Centric Superchargers, Ltd., is now making a new vane-type compressor to his own designs.

E. K. Rayson is going abroad and consequently his racing stable is in the market. The famous *litre Maserati is offered at £950.

The Ford V8 which took ultra-long distance records at Montlhery, driven by women drivers, was lapping at just under 90 m.p.h. It did seventy-two hours at 88.6 m.p.h.

We regret to record the death, at the age of thirtynine, of Frank Hallam, who used to drive Alvis racingcars.

A.F.N. Ltd. have taken over the British agency for the B.P.W. Messerschmitt Taifun 108, a fourseater metal low-wing monoplane, that does 186 m.p.h., and 162 m.p.h. cruising, on a 240 h.p. Argus motor. The price is approximately £3,000. * * *

“Chitty-Bang-Bang “—presumably “Chitty II “ran at the Sporting Owner-Drivers’ Club Southall Speed Trials. * * *

The latest Rileys have ” hi-charge ” induction systems and overdrive top gears.

The International Trophy Race will be given a rolling start—the first time such a start has been used in this country.

J. E. Swainson is now in partnership with Marcus Chambers at 5, Hansard Mews, Holland Road, W. 14.