

The sun shone beautifully for the Kent and Sussex L.C.C.’s second 1937 meeting at Lewes, for which the electrical-timing apparatus functioned and a good entry

had been forthcoming. As there is no charge for admission at Lewes a considerable concourse of spectators assemble in fine weather and on June 12th far too many of them stood on the wrong side of the ropes, in spite of the presence of a police constable in uniform.

J. 0. C. Samuel’s six-cylinder FrazerNash won the Frazer-Nash class in the very fine time of 25.5 secs., his car having full equipment, but being towed to and from the venue. Don Aldington’s Iflitre Frazer-Nash scored in the 11litre standard sports-class, with a run in 28.06 secs., and in the 2-litre category E. K. Parley’s H.R.G., which has the new bucket seats, was fastest, in 27.15 secs. G. Taylor put up fastest time of the day with his racing Alta in 19.3 secs. A. N. L. Maclachlan’s famous black Austin was extremely fast, giving its owner a rough ride, and Denis Evans was driving nicely with the Bellevue Montlhery M.G., but Stuart-Wilton’s Q-type single-seater M.G., once raced by Miss Doreen Evans, and J. B. Wilson’s R-type M.G. were off colour. George Hartwell’s fabric-tailed M.G. Magnette was very rapid indeed in spite of misfiring and Baron had the Brescia-engined G.P. Bugatti functioning really well. T. B. O’Reilly managed 22.72 secs. with

the Frykaizerwagen, and his Red Biddy Special also worked well, while G. H. Symonds did 23.89 secs. in the B.H.D. Special which snaked most inspiringly from the line, especially as the driver had to fumble for the short gear-lever. Sumner drove the twin-tyred 10k-litre Delage up in 21.95 secs., running his 30/98 Vauxhall as well, and Lemon-Burton had a splendid drive on a 2.3 Bugatti in 20.36

secs. E. R. Stafford’s well streamlined Moses shared with Noel Sisson’s Of-litre Bentley a noted reluctance to engage its lowest ratio and inattention caused a bad start, though a previous run occupied 25.42 secs. Dick Nash, unable to run his Union-Special because one of its blowers was sick, brought the 1912 15-litre Lorraine Dietrich, ” Vieux Charles Trois,” wrongly described by Announcer Curtis as the 1908 11-litre winner of the Dieppe G.P. On the first run immense blow-backs inspired a record smoke-screen and the time was 31.36, but subsequently the machinery became better behaved and Nash clocked 28.65 secs. to win the Handicap class. The Atalanta made its bow in competition at this meeting. The Bentley Drivers’ Club had a class to themselves, won by Forrest Lycett’s 4f-litre Bentley

in spite of its stiff handicap. James Allason drove the ex-Windrum and Garstin. 4f-litre very nicely and Redford ran a saloon 4k-litre.

Lycett subsequently won the unlimited sports category with a very fine run indeed with his 8-litre Bentley.

These Lewes meetings are altogether excellent and we hope to see at least as good an entry at ‘the next gathering on August 21st.


1,100 c.c. : (1) E. W. H. Dobson (Fiat Benne), 32.82s.

1,500 c.c. : (1) D. A. Aldington (Frazer-Nash), 25.06g.; (2) E. K. Farley (H.R.G.), 28.248.

2,000 0.0. : (1) E. K. Farley (H.R.G.), 27.15g.; (2) D. A. AldiTton (Frazer-Nash), 27.62s.

Unlimited : 1) G. S. C. Matthews (Ford V8), 26.84s.; (2) C. G. Fitt (Frazer-Nash-B.M.W.), 29.50s.

1,100 c.c. : (1) 3. N. Innes (M.G. K3), 26.148.; (2) 11. Griffiths (Alta), 26.91s.

1,500 0.0. (1) J. N. Tunes (M.G. K3), 25.56s.; (2) H. Wit ley Burt (27.88s.).

Unlimited : (1) F. Lycett (8-litre Bentley), 22.89g.; (2) J. 0. C. Samuel (Frazer-Nash), 25.33s.; (3) J. N. tunes (M.G. KS), 25.68s.

Bentley Drivers’ Club : (1) F. Lycett (41-litre), 25.60s.

1,100 c.c. : (1) A. N. L. Maciachlan (Austin Seven), 21.80g.; (2) D. G. Evans (M.G. Montlhery), 22.50s.

1,500 c.o.: (1) George Hartwell (M.G.), 21.14g.; (2) Arthur Baron (Bugatti), 21.96s.; (3) D. G. Evans (M.G.), 22.03s.

2,000 c.c. (1) A. Baron (Bugatti), 21.168.; (2) A. N. L. Maelachlan (Austin Seven), 21.34s. ; (3) D. G. Evans (M.G.), 21.94s.

Unlimited : (1) Geoffrey Taylor (1,960 c.c. Alta), 19.30g.; (2) J. Lemon Burton (2,300 c.c. Bugatti), 20.36g.; (3) D. G. Evans (21.218.).

Handicap •. (1) R. G. J. Nash (L.Irraine Dietrich), net time 18.29s.; (2) Mrs. Corbett-Fisher (driver H. S. Wilton) (M.G.), 18.6k.; (3) G. B. C. Summer (Vauxhall), 18.79s.



Frazer-Nash Cars (any type) : J. 0. C. Samuel (25.50s.).

RESULTS Frazer-Nash Cars : J. 0. C. Samuel